Sorry but you have injured the feelings of Hindus in Msia! Yes, - TopicsExpress


Sorry but you have injured the feelings of Hindus in Msia! Yes, Ustaz Shahul Hamid has apologized and said sorry for hurting the feelings of the Hindu community in Malaysia. But, I still think, hurting the sentiments of the entire Hindu community and after that saying sorry is not very appropriate. Even if we accept his apology, the police still have a duty to perform. Are they going to allow Shahul to get away as they allowed Zulkifli Noordin, the deputy president of Perkasa. Apology or not, the police can still punish Shahul so that there would be no repeat of these kinds of incidents in the future. Shahul who has a masters degree in UKM surely would have known what was wrong and right. He cant turn around and say that his remarks were not meant to hurt the Hindu community. He himself admitted that he is an Indian. Surely, as an Indian Muslim he probably should understand the culture and practices of Hindu more than others. Politically, what makes it more difficult for us in PR is the fact that Shahul is member of PAS, fraternal party! Even if Hindus are willing to forgive him, I expect PAS to initiate disciplinary action against him as part of the larger strategy to weed out racists and religious bigots! Is PAS willing to do this?
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 00:21:21 +0000

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