Sorry.... feeling very vocal afer lying in bed with - TopicsExpress


Sorry.... feeling very vocal afer lying in bed with flu.... . Someone said to me recently they would love to try photography but could not afford it, this is not an isolated case, many people have said this to me. I can understand this concept from the point of view that cameras can cost from £110 to the price of a small semi-detached house. But it is astonishing how many people hold this concept, that having the latest most expensive camera equates to better images. I must be blunt here, this is total bull crap, it is the same as saying you cannot do professional photographic work because you do not have a degree, diploma, win a competition, or affiliate to whatever photographers affiliate to...not true. There is a big element of the glossy sale for digital cameras these days which many people succumb to, we all see them but believe me ads sell, thats there job, nothing to do with the reality of what you in your hand and thon instruction manual :-) If you are one of those who thinks that you need to invest loads of your money to get into photography, then here are a few wee tips: Photography starts in your mind, in your vision, how you see the world, through your eyes, its this last element that will create your own uniqueness, so dont give a monkeys about what people think of your images experiment and enjoy it, its for you. Photography develops with your imagination and ability to see, observe, look, and step away from the norm try not to to get caught up in the classic error of imitating others, you might produce some striking images but your uniqueness and vision is more important. People are walking around daily and millions of images pass by without being registered…a camera only records a micro second of time, of one visual that you registered, look for or set up. Start to look more, observe can go to the same place a hundred times, if you look you will always see something you never saw in the past 99 visits. You might be saying, well you have a big camera!! Well, the truth is it does not make my images any better nor any worse than they are, it only guarantees me robustness in a working environment and the technical ability to meet some specific demands of clients and believe me if you go down this road with your images then start to think 2,000 – 48,000k for your camera bodies.(I use other mediiums of recording visuals too and cameras for my work) To take images and enjoy photography requires very little investment, if you want to print up to A3 and use them on the internet or for your own art work providing your not going for mega sized final visuals then it is the cheapest form of creative enjoyment. Investing a small fortune in equipment is crazy if you are just starting out, buy a low priced digital camera with a manual facility or buy a second hand one or a good handphone. Try it out……the only improvements that comes with more expensive equipment are technical and really, some of those are very questionable. We live in a consumer market, what you will buy today be it £50 or 10k is out of date in six months and you will always be sold the next best thing to sliced bread every six months……and because everyone eats sliced bread! well we fall for it and get the latest piece of sliced bread...….Ask yourself this? How much can you improve sliced bread in six months?. Believe me I know about it, having been seduced by the digital revolution in the 90s. It was not until recent years that digital FX could match my 35mm film camera and way off medium format :-) Both of which can be bought for relative buttons today....funny how they never needed a software update :-) (cynical) To get started ask people who take images, if their nice people they will give you some advice. Join a local camera club but dont believe all the jargon that floats around there...they sometime get too F stopped with aperatures and raw filed and can miss the bigger picture :-) But a good club will give you some of the basic rules and guidlelines and support, always remember these are only guidelines and rules.....they are not by any means set in stone. One of the most memorable images I have encountered broke all the rules of composition and was upside down.....but had a visual magic that carried from its creator....fascinating and art. Here is a link to something that might inspire you : Total cost of equipment, if you look around £80 or less. He did need to know the technicality of reversing a lens but it just shows whats possible for little. He has a website too, google his name. boredpanda/snowflake-macro-photography-diy-alexey-kljatov/
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 23:32:46 +0000

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