Sorry for being gayab cant say reason but now I will update just - TopicsExpress


Sorry for being gayab cant say reason but now I will update just pray I be well. New TS on Abhiya - My Mysterious Man (Part 1) I don’t know how much justice I did to this story until first part. It took me very long to write this story. I thought I will complete in os but not able to. Here it goes. Index - https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=527613327340577&id=475394099229167 Part 1 – Meeting my mysterious man A lean looking girl around 21 years was stepping her way upstairs in the huge mansion. Infect it will be more correct to say that the place looks like dark palace. It has red and dark theme around it. There were many servants doing their works. One tall man was changing the battery of the clock, another short man was dusting the showcases, one woman was sweeping the floor and another woman was hurrying to the kitchen. Like same full mansion was filled with servants doing their respective work. But at the third floor not all servants were allowed to go. Only few trusted ones go there after the permission of the owner of this palace who resides there. Girl makes her way upstairs jumping in excitement. She was looking out for her mother who was dusting somewhere on the second floor. She had worn white skirt till her knees and blue top. Her curls were unevenly flying in the winds. Her tip toe shoes were making noises. She was running like a storm searching for her mom. She had carried some papers in her hands. She was very happy. She went up to second floor and turned to look at the direction of the third floor. Her eyes started beaming in excitement. Since she was 12 years she stays here with her mom in the servant cottage. Mysterious owner of this palace had taken all the expenses of her education since then. She was instructed strictly to not go to third floor. Since from then her urges to go up always rises in her heart. Always she goes up to the stairs of the third floor and turn back from there. She kept staring the way to the third floor with her mysterious wanting eyes. Don’t know but as she grew up her longing to go to third floor and meet the owner of the palace had grown all the more larger. Just then her mom Madhu Arnav Dobriyal came there and called her out – “Pia.” Pia came out of her trance and look at the direction of the voice. She saw her mother and ran to hug her happily. Pia hugs her mom and said – “Mom I stood first in my class. I passed out with good percentage mom.” Her mom felt very happy hearing this news. She hugs her back and said – “Wow I am so happy today. I love you Pia.” Pia said – “I love you too mom.” Her mom now said – “Ok Pia now you go to our room I will come there in a minute with something for you to eat.” Pia smiled happily and makes her way to her cottage where she stays with her mom. She went passing from big hall to end of the garden where her cottage was build. Other servants have their cottage on their respective location inside the palace area. Pia was very happy today. She was admiring the beauty of the chirping birds, glowing flowers and a small lake. Her cottage was located at the most beautiful place where the nature’s beauty was perfectly seen. Her serene beauty and caring nature had made her everyone favourite. She had many friends here. One of them was Ruhi. Ruhi stays here with her dad and her dad is also a servant here. Pia and Ruhi gets along well with each other. They share every little their secrets with each other. Till hours they talk about the mysterious owner of this palace like how he must be. They had also made a fade image of their mysterious man. Flashback Ruhi – “He must be around his 50.” Pia – “Having a round figure.” Ruhi – “That drums like stomach and back do not allow him to come down.” After saying this they laughed out loudly. Pia – “He must have grey hairs or no hairs.” Ruhi – “Yes and he must be strict and scary.” Pia – “Yes he must be like those ugly kings.” Ruhi – “And he must also have hanged many peoples who had accidentally went to his floor.” Pia – “Yes only few servants may be and his secretary Kabir have seen him.” Ruhi – “Yes.” Flashback over They talks hours about him. They were naughty together. Many times they even slipped their way to the third floor but then their weak legs always gave up to climb the ladders and see their mysterious man. Ruhi came to meet her excited. Ruhi – “Pia I passed out with 60%.” Pia hugged her and said her news. Ruhi said – “I knew it darling and that is why I got pastries for you.” Pastries are Pia’s favourite sweet. She can spend hours grabbing as many pastries as she can to fill her tummy and desire. Ruhi and Pia was eating their pastries when Pia’s mom came with plate full of breakfast for them. She had already guessed it out that Ruhi must have also come until now. Pia asked Ruhi grabbing the toast – “Where were you in the college? Why didn’t you meet me in the college?” Ruhi answered – “Pia today I went to market for your surprise gift. I already guessed out that you will mark your stand first so I went to market and got Pastries for you.” They were talking all happily least knowing about their future. Some days passed by and since Pia’s studies were over she was staying back at home. Her mom had sought help from the owner of the palace through Kabir for her daughter’s job. She had spoken to Kabir about it that if Pia can help in the office they will be kind to them. Kabir promised to have a word about this from his sir. Pia’s mom trusts their sir for this. He had never let her down. But after few days Pia got most dreadful news in her life that her mom passed away from the heart attack. She passed before they can reach them to the hospital. In front of her own eyes her mom passed away out of heart attack. Pia was shocked and dreadful. Life had never been kind to her but still she was happy that her mom was with her. Today her last happiness was also snatched away from her. Life hit her heart badly. Life had become strange silence for her. Ruhi tried to talk to her many times after that incident but she always remains quite. Days passed and silence had taken over her. She had become pale. Nor did she cry neither did she speaks to anyone. She had become lifeless dead soul. One day she was sitting quietly in her cottage when Kabir came there. Kabir called her out – “Pia…” Pia looked at him with her plain eyes. Kabir felt bad seeing Pia like this. He had never seen her like this before but today she was sitting lifeless in front of him. Kabir said – “Pia get ready and dress up in some formal dress. Sir had called you up.” Pia looked at him with surprise. Her body had started playing strings of her heart. Her beaming eyes was shocked and yet somewhere confused. Kabir understood her expressions and cleared it out – “Yes you are going to meet the owner of this palace. Sharp after 15 minutes reached to the third floor and yes remember he don’t like waiting for anyone.” Saying this Kabir went from there. Ruhi who was standing atn the door over hears him. She was shocked. Ruhi came towards Pia and sat beside her. Ruhi said – “Pia speak something atleast now.” Pia remained silent for a few seconds. Then she said softly – “Why I am called above?” Ruhi said – “May be for some job. Come I help you to get ready.” Pia said – “Yes mom had informed me that she had talk to Kabir for my job.” Ruhi hugs her and said – “Pia you need to vent out all your pain from your heart.” Pia hugs her back and said – “I don’t know Ruhi what to do how to react?” Ruhi tightens her grip. -After half an hour- Pia took her step shivering in fear. After so many years she was going to the third floor. Her heart was popping out. Anytime her pain and fear can bust out loudly. She was getting restless in fear. She reached to the third floor with fear. She peeked out through the passage. It was one hell of the dark passage future. It was very long and deep passage with many turns and rooms. It has no life there and it was like an isolated place pin drop silent. Her eyes popped out starring at the passage blankly. She thought to herself – “Is he some kind ghost or something?” Then she saw Kabir coming from opposite way. Kabir said coming near her – “You are late Pia.” His voice can give an idea that sir was not happy already. She stammered and said – “I am… sor” Before she can complete and apologise for her mistake Kabir cut her off and said – “Now just forget everything and come behind me. Just don’t make this your habit.” Pia nodded her head in yes and tried to catch up almost running behind Kabir. Tired she said – “Wait walk slowly. I can’t walk this fast.” Kabir turned back and said – “Come on Pia I had seen you running around the palace like a storm.” Pia said lowering her head – “That was the past when my mom was alive but now I hadn’t even ate properly from past few days.” This is now when Kabir tried to look at her properly and found her face weak. Dark circles had formed around her heavy eyes which she had tried to hide it from her makeup but still it was visible. He felt bad seeing Pia like this. Now he saw tears coming from her eyes slowly. He took a long breath and said – “Pia why you didn’t tell me early when I came to meet you.” Pia said – “I don’t know why?” Just then he asked – “Follow me now and later I will take you to cafeteria.” Pia smiled half heartedly and started following him. This time Kabir walked slowly for Pia. Now they reached the end of the edge outside the big lawn. Pia was staring the lawn till far like a baby. Kabir said – “You wait here for me to call you inside.” Pia nodded her head and stood there plainly. Kabir went inside the lawn and entered one room to his right. She doesn’t know for how long she was waiting there but it she was getting restless. Her throat was getting dry. She was feeling like she can fall down anytime due to weakness. Her eyes was shutting down just then she heard Kabir calling her – “Pia you can come now.” She looked towards the direction of the voice and went to there. Now she was inside the huge room. She saw Kabir leaving her inside. He went out closing the door behind him. Her heart wants her to stop him but before that he went away. Now she looked around the room. Again it has many doors leading to the new rooms. She was confused. Her heart was thumping out of her body and above all she was still feeling weak. Then she heard a husky and strong deadly voice from her right. - “Come to your right Pia Dobriyal.” She turned around to find few steps and beside that long office table and chair arranged near the closed glass window. There her mysterious man was standing near the cupboard which was placed in front of the office table. He was totally opposite of what she had thought. He was fair, strong, well build, young guy. He is not at all like she or Ruhi used to talk. His grey eyes can attract everyone near him. His strong arms call everyone to hang around it. His packed well build stomach just adds to his features. He was so different and good looking. Seeing him her heart started skipping a beat and she felt weak at her knees. His mysterious plain eyes were filling her heart with different notion. She walked towards him slowly and steadily full filling her heart with his looks. Now she saw his eyes scanning her from top to bottom. His running eyes were giving her consciousness. She had worn knee length cream skirt and black top. Now she was cursing herself to wear this dress. His eyes were travelling everywhere. She was staring her like a fool walking near him. When she was near the step she felt weak and heavy all the more again. Her eyes were shutting now and it almost shut down this time. She was falling to touch the ground when she felt to be held by someone. She tried to catch some vision of her saver from her blurred sight but she went unconcious. A mysterious man or call him sir saw her going unconscious. He held her in his arms from her waist. Her presence in the air was making him restless. He was feeling different holding her. Now he scooped her in his arms and placed her on nearby sofa. He couldn’t help but stare at the innocent beauty with all his desire. She was so different that she had filled his dead heart also with many dreams. Urge grew in his heart to touch her but he knew it was wrong. This is not helping her staring at the girl blankly is not helping him. If she stays here like this unconscious for few more minutes then he knew that he will end up touching her which is wrong for her. He immediately called Kabir and asked him to come to his room. Kabir hurriedly went inside the room and saw Pia lying on the sofa plainly. Kabir got scared and his mind filled with many questions. He looked at his sir for an explanation. He – “She went unconscious. Take her to her room.” Kabir nodded his head and went near Pia. He picked her up in his arms carefully. After she left the room with Kabir he stood there thinking about this interaction. All this year no one had affected him this badly but she had shook him totally in just a second. After her his room had filled with her memories and sweet essence. After few minutes Pia woke up to find Kabir and Ruhi sitting near her. She looked at both and they were staring her worriedly. Kabir asked her now – “Did you found my sir so scary that you faint away.” He giggled happily making Pia smile after many days. Now Ruhi said – “Enough now I will not listen to you. You will eat your dinner under my inspection from now.” Just then Kabir got a call and he excused himself. Kabir – “Yes sir.” Sir – “How is she? Is she awake now? Make her eat something and ask her to meet me at 8.00 pm. Now she knows where to come right.” Kabir said – “Yes we all are making her eat something and I will ask her to meet you at 8.” After their conversation Kabir came inside and saw Ruhi asking about their sir from Pia. Ruhi – “Tell me Pia how he looks like?” Kabir immediately stopped her and said her – “Ruhi let her eat and rest. She has to meet him again at 8.” Rui agreed to her and left the room to bring something for Pia to eat. After she left Kabir said turning towards Pia – “Only few is allowed to go to third room and see him. Plus no one is allowed to utter anything regarding him to anyone.” Pia asked him curiously – “Why?” Kabir said – “This is an order to follow that set.” He left her quizzed behind him. At 8.00 pm she went upstairs to meet her mystery man. Whole day Ruhi tried to ask her about him but she always manage to change the topic though it was difficult for her to hide anything from Ruhi. Her heart was beating fast and her nerve was losing their energy. She was alone now. More over to add her fear it was raining heavily outside with thunder and lightning. Mansion was full dark. Lights of mansion had gone. She was taking each step with the help of the few dim lights coming through small windows placed in between. As she reached the third floor her heart started losing its beat. She was sweating badly trying to figure out the way to his room. Just then she saw a shadow coming from far. She was scared. She felt like running away from here. She freezes at her place in fear. Then slowly she can see the shadow. It was his mystery man and who can it be other than him in his area. He came near Pia with his plain dreadful eyes. She stared at his eyes for good long minutes. For first few seconds his eyes were plain and for other few seconds they were showing pain in them. He came so near to Pia that she can feel his warmness in such a cold night. Finally he spoke – “Inverter should have been on till now.” She was confused did he come for her but how and why? He said – “It is darker ahead. I came for you only Pia.” Pia asked hesitantly – “How do you know I am here?” He said turning to her with no emotions – “I also keep records of those birds that flies passing my palace than keeping records about you is much easier for me.” Pia was stunned. His sharp husky voice hit her heart crazily. She followed him to his room. She looked around the room and it was different from the morning. It has a huge king sized soft bed beside the glass windows. It was like a dark den. It has a bonfire and all necessities inside it. She thought in her mind – “Is this his bedroom? If so then why he brought me here” Before she can take her saliva back he answered him – “Office close down at this hour of the day.” She looked at him with confusion. He continued – “The room that you saw in the morning is my office which closes down after 6.” She looked at him with a surprise. How can he answer her doubt what an unfortunate? He said – “Nothing is unfortunate in this world. You are here for some reason Pia Dobriyal.” Pia looked at him widening her eyes in shock. He said – “In the morning you came here for the job of the assistant but seeing you I changed my mind.” She looked towards him with a surprise. She said – “What do you mean?” He said confidently but yet softly – “I fought with my desire, mind and a dead heart but they won finally. In all this year no one had such a great impact on me but you shook me from inside. I can’t fight with myself more. Till you were climbing the stairs I was convincing myself to stay away from you but finally I gave up. When your figure came near my gaze again I went to my dream world.” Pia was shaking till now. He said – “Don’t worry Pia you will still assist me but not as a servant but as my soulmate. Marry me I want to see you around me always.” Pia was shocked. She felt stuck in this dark room. She turned to see the door but it shut down in front of her eyes without any helping hand. She turned back to see him in fear and saw him standing near her. Her breath got caught in her mouth. He said – “I just want you Pia Dobriyal” Pia looked into his eyes which have no human emotions but yet it was deep with lots of hidden meanings in them. Then to her surprise he leaned down on her nape sliding her arms around her waist. Before she can think she was held closer by him. She drowns deep in his mysterious grey eyes. He said looking into her eyes intensely– “Abhay Raichand has never allowed anyone to enter in his master bedroom without any work before today and even after today only you will be allowed to come here anytime for any reasons.” She widened her eyes and before she can think or react he captivated her in his arms tightly holding her possessively. She tried to hold herself. She was stunned. Her heart was beating faster. He said softly and in deadly combination– “Allow me to wash away your pain Pia. In one second you will be free from all this worldly pain.” He tightens his grip on her saying this. She widened her eyes feeling him so closer saying all this dangerous words. Her body was electrifying in his warmness. He said in a whispering tone playing with her ear lobe– “Allow me to welcome you in my world.” She stood there freeze. She was out of her own her words. He hugs her tightly giving shiver down to her spine. Pia said – “Leave me Mr. Raichand.” Abhay got shocked hearing her voice. He was not habitat to hear no and Mr. Raichand. All calls him sir. He left her and looked into her firm eyes. She said – “I don’t know what made you think like this but my answer is no. I knew you helped me and my mother a lot but I think I can take care of myself from now. I will be always thankful to you Mr. Raichand and whenever you need I will give my life too for you but can’t give you away myself.” He looked into her eyes. She was angry and stiff even in his area. Abhay was controlling is anger. He tightens his fist and controlled his inner self to come out and said with his heavy and authorative voice – “And if I say I want your life then.” Pia got scared. Now he approached her open nape with his first finger tip. He moved his tip from her nape to her neck bone. Sensuously and tremendously he provoked Pia from inside. She was holding her increased heartbeat and fighting with her mysterious man. Then he grabbed her waist tightly and pulled her closer him. He leaned on her ears and said – “Wait for few hours and you will be release from your pain.” Pia said turning her face to other side – “Leave me Mr. Raichand.” Just as she finished her statement she felt like he left her in a jerk. She tried to balance her and look back at Abhay. Abhay was walking backward without taking his eyes off from her. She kept staring at him and he said – “You are free to go now but only to come back Miss Pia Dobriyal. I want you back to me.” Pia kept looking at him. For the first time she was seeing emotions filled in his eyes. His eyes wanted her to stay back here. His eyes were shouting his lungs out by calling her name. She stared deep in his captivated eyes reading them. She stood there blankly for few minutes then restlessly she turned back to run away anywhere she can find the route. The darkness within her heart and outside her heart was saying her to go back to him. Don’t know when and why but his offer was sounding great to her. She ran down to her place without looking back but his eyes were calling her again and again. She shut herself in her cottage and wishes to die away. She shut the door and cried her heart out. She sat down rubbing her soft back with the hard door. She cried and cried. She wishes to die along with her mother just then his words rang on her ears with same passion – “And if I say I want your life then.” She turned silent and then remembered his other lines – “Wait for few hours and you will be release from your pain.” She can’t understand his words. Just then she remembered his end words – “You are free to go now but only to come back Miss Pia Dobriyal. I want you back to me.” She got scared. It is clear he wants her and he will approach her. She wants to share it with Ruhi but can she? She was scared, sad and feeling weak. There Abhay was standing near the window staring at the pouring rains with his usual gaze. He was thinking in his mind – “Is this right for Pia? Does she deserve to live more? No I can’t leave her alone specially when she has no one to be on her side. Here I am there to love and care her. Her best is me.” He stared back at the dark night. Here Pia was trying to sleep but all efforts were vain. Whole night Pia was staring the room like zombie thinking about Abhay her mom. Next day in the afternoon she heard a knock at the door. Hearing the knock she realised that she had locked herself from yesterday night. How could she? She is disconnecting herself even from some fresh air. All the windows were packed and her room was not feeling less than Abhay’s dark room now. She woke up and with her little energy she went to open the door. She slightly peeked out to see who it was. She found some servant standing there. She opened the door and let her come inside. One middle aged women was leading the group and everyone was referring her Aunty. Behind her few other servants also entered the room carrying lots of packets with them. Then those servants kept those packets over the bed. Pia was confused. Aunty said – “Sir had send this everything for you.” Pia stood there blank. She continued – “He had asked you to try this out and report him about this soon.” Pia asked – “What is this all?” She answered – “Your wedding gown.” Pia got shocked. How can he? She felt trapped here in his palace. She wants to run away from here like a storm but she was feeling helpless. Then she was brought out from her thoughts by Kabir. Kabir reached there and said others to vacant the place. He said coming near Pia – “Pia sir wants to meet you sharp at 9.00 pm behind this mansion near the jungle road.” Pia got stunned. First this place is isolated and jungle road she never went there. She nodded her head in yes. Kabir left her shocked but she had decided to run away from here by hook or crook. Sharp at 9 Pia was standing on the same place waiting for Abhay. She had worn deep low neck red gown and matching accessories over it send by Abhay. She was waiting for Abhay to come. She wants to talk to Abhay as soon as possible. She was waiting for him since long time and Abhay hadn’t come yet. Little distance away Abhay was sitting on his brown horse. He said – “Come Pia I want to see what you will do. You have a golden opportunity to run away. That is all you wanted right. Go Pia I want to know where you can go in this big cruel world. I am giving you chance to go away from here. But if you not able to find any good place to stay in forever then you will stay here with me forever in my world no matter what happens then.” Pia stood there for a few minutes more and then thought in her mind – “He hadn’t reached yet so can I run away from here. No wait he comes to knows about everything so he will also know about you trying to run away. But why he hadn’t come yet? Why he will not come?” After a while she continued to think – “He is mysterious. How he can read my mind? Whatever is his mystery but I want to go away from here at any cost. Wait but is this right and where will I go? But he talks rubbish about vanishing my pain away. What exactly he keeps murmuring? No I must not run away instead I should seek an answer from him. No matter how late it is what I knew is he will come to meet me and now even I want to meet him.” Abhay on other side was sensing her with his in build sensing power. His eyes were closed and he was seeing and hearing Pia properly. After Pia finished her mind talk he opened his eyes and said – “Impressive… you are my first and will be my last desire Pia.” After saying so he started riding the horse. He went near Pia and started riding a horse slowly around her admiring her from top to bottom. Pia keeps turning around to catch his glimpse. He was seeing her like a wild lion seeing his prey. He had worn black coat over a black jeans. He was looking very handsome. Pia’s throat was going dry seeing him staring her wildly. His eyes and perfect plain small smile was playing like a intoxicated drug. Pia cannot take his wild gaze more around her. She said – “Stop it Abhay?” Abhay asked playfully coming to stand in front of her– “What to stop? Stop to stare you or stop to ride around you.” Pia said instantly – “Both.” Abhay said – “Okkkk… I can stop riding around you but sorry I cannot stop myself to stare you back.” Pia looked at him disapproving. Abhay said gazing her vision – “You are looking like a black heart queen beautiful, serene and smart still innocent. How can you have such a great impact on me?” Pia said nothing instead she lowered her gaze. Abhay said – “Want to ride?” Pia looked back at him with a surprise. But before she can think or say something Abhay ride near her and picked her up in his arms to settle her on the horse above her in an instance. In a blink of eyes Pia found herself on the horse. Her both legs were hanging down and she was wrapped around Abhay’s arms. Pia’s heart started beating fast. She hasn’t sat on the horse before today. She was feeling scared. Abhay said – “Don’t be scared when I am there with you.” Pia looked into his eyes and it was showing genuine promise to her. She keep staring him for a while and said without taking her eyes off from him – “How can you read my mind?” Abhay said – “That you will know soon.” After saying this Abhay started riding the horse. She held his arms tightly as she grooved in his tune. Unsaid feelings and promises were capturing their heart. She was blocked with his thoughts and touch. His body and touch was giving her sweet sensations. She was getting drugged by his presence. She was letting her heart lose for Abhay Raichand. He surely holds this power to make her fall for him. He ride till far and near the small lake he stop to ride. Then he got down and helped her to get down. His hands were around her waist and her hands were around her neck. Both were talking to each other from their eyes. They were lost in their own world. Pia was feeling safe with him all the more sudden even though he was opposite from her. She was like morning light and he was the dark faded light. She has her existence in this world and he was dead in this world. Don’t know how she started having feelings for him but she surely loves to be with him. He was drinking her gaze from his eyes. Her light and serene eyes were feeling his dead heart with her warm love. He can see so much life in her eyes. He thought in his mind then – “This is the Pia you love Abhay. You love her because of who is she? Even though she is wrapped in this dark gown her face is glowing with lights and life. I was wrong about her? I am no one to decide about her? I cannot snatch her life away from her? How can I do this? I can’t do this? How can I be so cruel? I am a dead creature and she is still alive. I cannot be selfish for myself.” His eyes were showing pain to lose Pia. He was ashamed of himself. But he also loves her to let her go away from him. Pia stammered to say – “Abhay… I want to say you that…” But before she can complete her statement she felt departed from him. She saw down to her waist and his hand was away from her. She was feeling sad to get separated from him now. She saw back to him and his eyes were changed. Now his desire to keep her near him was not there anymore. She felt insulted. He turned his face other side. She was shocked. She spoke in her mind – “What was all that if he wanted to behave like this in the end? Was he wanted to only fill his desire by hurting me like this?” She stared him helplessly for an answer. He turned his back on her. He closed his eyes painfully cursing himself. Why he did this? He could have not gone so far? Pia was hell shocked. She stood there like a dead soul. Fate cannot betray her now. When she started liking his touch, when she started liking him and when she started feeling for him she don’t know. But all she knew is her life is meaningless now without him. What was that genuine promise all about which she saw in his eyes? She doesn’t know what to say and even he don’t know how to face her. He said without turning back opening his red blood eyes – “Pia how can I be so cruel. I wish to kill my love from my own hands when I never killed any human ever. How can I be so selfish to snatch away life from you? How can I think to take away your life?” Pia stood there shocked. Abhay continued – “I am a dead soul Pia. My world is dark. I am nothing but a vampire a blood sucking creature. I am from those creatures that survive on animal’s blood.” He broke down thousand times inside in him telling her truth. Pia widened her eyes in shock. Abhay called her out – “Pia.” He didn’t hear her voice. Sadly he turned his face to see Pia but she was not there. Then he heard a voice of sniffing from down. He lowered his gaze and found her sitting on the ground crying out soundly. He closed his eyes in pain. He was suppose to take away her pain but ended up hurting her. He opened his eyes and sat beside her. He touched her cheeks with his palm. Pia looked at him and said – “Why you did this to me? If you knew always that you can never ease my pain than why you promised me to release my pain? No one had given you any rights to increase my pain. Why?” Abhay saw her sadly. She continued – “First who gave you rights to decide my fate. Who gave you this permission to decide for me? Why?” She cried her heart out. Abhay hold her shoulder and said – “Relax Pia I will not let anything hurt you. I cannot kill you Pia. Not now after knowing that I love your real side. I will let you go away from me and this place Dehradhun but in return you have to promise me something.” Pia looked into his eyes with a surprise. Abhay said – “You will let me pay your expenses wherever you go. You will let me know your well being through Kabir if you do not want to talk to me directly and lastly you will always smile and live your life fully.” Pia was sad and shocked. Abhay said – “Please Pia I love you more than myself I atleast deserve this much.” Pia removed his hand and said softly – “You are again deciding for me by yourself.” Abhay face downward in guilt. Pia said – “Why you played with me if you can never keep me with you?” Abhay said softly – “I can’t keep you in my world. I do not want you to lose yourself.” Pia said – “And who gave you rights to decide this.” Abhay said – “Your love.” Pia was stunned. Silent tears trailed from her eyes. He said – “You love me Pia and I know this. You are amazed at me from the moment you saw me and I know this Pia. No matter how much you deny the truth but you wish to have my love in your life.” She was startled. He placed his palm in front of her to take her promise. Hesitantly she placed her palm on his palm and said – “But what you will do after me.” Abhay said – “Before you I used to curse my life but after you I will live remembering you Pia. I will live praying for you Pia.” Abhay dries her tears. Abhay held her hand between his palms looking at her. Pia cried her heart out admiring her hand between his hands. She said – “Abhay I want to say that I” Abhay cut her off and said placing his first finger on her lips – “Ssshhh don’t say anything. Don’t make it difficult for me Pia.” He closed his eyes and pampered her lips with his finger tip. Pia looked at him and said – “Why???? Why me???” Abhay opened her eyes and both stared at each other for a few moments. They want to capture this moment in their heart forever. Then they went back to their palace. Pia was thinking about Abhay whole night. She thought in her mind - “He is from the dark world. Yes he thought about himself before but later he let me know his truth. If he always wanted my body then he could have easily bite me and force me to marry him. But no he didn’t did anything as such. And how can I forget those simple touches. I don’t know how world is outside this palace but here I feel safe and especially with him last night I felt protected. I can run from him but I cannot deny this fact that I love him. But he is a vampire but does this matter now. Even if I agree he will not agree to take me back. If to be with him I have to die I can also do that for him but he will not like my idea. No I cannot take my life. This life is now Abhay’s and he wants me to live this life fullest. But how can I live without him? Now sound of chirping birds have also gone away from my thoughts. No I had already locked myself in the dark phase Abhay now nothing can change this but for you I will try to live.” She decided to pass her feelings to Abhay. She started writing a letter for Abhay – I want to share many things with you Abhay which you will not allow me to speak so taking the help of this letter. I know Abhay you want me to go away from you and I will do as you want but now only for you. Before going I want to share something with you. Since childhood I used to think only about you. I had made many visions about you like you will be round and middle aged cruel fat king. I and my friend Ruhi used to talk about you a lot. Many times we slipped to the stairs of the third floor but couldn’t able to climb it in fear. You know that day when I saw you I was so bowled over your beauty. You are totally opposite of what I thought and you know I still hide it from Ruhi. You know Abhay since childhood I was having only one reason to live and that was my mom but after she went I left with none. I was lost but then you came into my life. Unknowingly and gradually I started feeling you near me. That day I loved the horse ride with you and that lake. I will always remember it with me. I cannot even ask you to take me back because you do not want me to live your dark life. But Abhay I cannot even live here without you still for you I will try to live. I love you Abhay. You are my first and will be my last love Abhay. I love you and I wish to meet you again. Tears were falling from her eyes after finishing the letter when suddenly lights went off. In morning Abhay was reading same letter in his office table and Kabir was standing in front of him with his head down. After finishing the letter Abhay shouted in pain – “Piiiaaaaaa” He roared and growled in pain. Kabir said – “She is nowhere in this entire palace and guard is also dead.” Then Kabir hand him another letter scarily. Abhay snatched the letter and started reading it quickly. It was written – Do not waste your time in thinking where Pia is? She is with your long last enemy. It is your pay time Abhay. If you want to meet her then solve this puzzle –The place full of lights and toys. He crunched the paper cruelly and groaned in pain stretching his nerves restlessly. - Shaheesta The End
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 08:54:53 +0000

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