Sorry for not posting for a bit....I know everyone wants an - TopicsExpress


Sorry for not posting for a bit....I know everyone wants an update. Maggie scared the unholy crap out of us yesterday and it has been a bit busy. She seemed to me like MAYBE we were turning a little bit of a corner. I dont totally know why I say that, her color still sucked and she still didnt have any energy and she still is sleeping awful....but she wasnt coughing as bad and her nose wasnt running nearly as much. (I never know now if she really seems better or if I simply want to see signs of her being better SO badly that I am imagining them!!!) Anyway, yesterday I had the brilliant idea to bundle her up and bring her into the backyard to get some fresh air. I look over at one point because she was SO quiet, and she is sitting there, bent over, head in her hands and grimacing. The look on her face was AWFUL....just....awful. I rushed over and asked her what was wrong and she didnt respond to me at all. I was so terrified....I seriously thought she was having a seizure or something. After about an eternity she turned a bit and looked at me....but wouldnt talk or lift her head or anything. She finally snapped out of it and said her head hurt. I thought maybe the sun? And in reality the whole thing was maybe 10 seconds, so I decided not to overreact and see what happened....but to be honest my hands were shaking for a good while afterward. (I had already talked to the pediatricians nurse and was waiting on a callback.) So I moved her, she seemed utterly fine, and then ten minutes later it happened again. This time she said her eye hurt too. Blessedly it was this exact moment that the doctors office chose to call back, so they had us make an appointment come in as soon as they could fit us. When we were on the way to the doctors office a couple hours later she grabbed her face and went unresponsive for a good 15 seconds....which likely doesnt sound like much, but I promise it was a lifetime. She told her doc that Raffies neck hurts (Raffie is her little stuffed giraffe, she made Dr. Harvey examine him to see if Raffie is thing I have to say, our pedi is GREAT with kids!!!! He dutifully examined Raffie and asked both he and Maggie questions about how Raffie was feeling. It was so cute, I seriously wish I had taped it!) They dont think it is a dehydration headache because she is still wetting a lot. Ive been pushing her to drink all sorts of stuff mixed with Pedialyte, and it seems to be working. They did decide to switch her antibiotic; the probiotics seemed to be helping with her reaction to the first one, but she was still having a LOT of diarrhea and doc doesnt want to keep taxing her system at this stage. Im thrilled because this new antibiotic is bubblegum-flavored....the first one was apparently ass-flavored per Maggies reaction to it. She called it her, yuh-tee messidin. :) We had a few more head episodes last night. Sometimes now they include sobbing....which as much as I HATE that, is less utterly terrifying than the zoned-out zombie-baby reaction. Doc thought it might be caused by her O2 coming up and down from the pneumonia....but her stats have been pretty good and he said yesterday that her breath sounds arent diminished, so that isnt likely. The ONLY guess he had was that her little system is so super drained at this point that the excitement of being outside was too much. Even the doc admitted it was weak sauce, but he has no better guess. We are pulling her totally off of fever meds today to see how high her fever goes when she is unmedicated. If it is still high she gets referred to an infectious disease specialist. Im HOPING it wont be, that the fevers are coming down, and that we are FINALLY turning a corner. The fevers have been a good bit lower while she is on the meds, so my fingers AND toes are crossed!! Doc did say that when we do turn that corner not to expect her to bounce back to normal immediately the way kids tend to do. Based on looking at her yesterday, he said at a minimum she needs to be kept super quiet all this week. I dont know what that means for Halloween....doc said there is basically no way she is still contagious, but my leaning is that she is just young enough to not feel she is missing out if what we do is dress up and answer the door here. I had been amping her up and explaining trick or treating to her, and she is SUPER excited for her costume the couple of times we tried it on. But now Ive just stopped talking about it...hoping that if I need to I can change what she is looking forward to. Thankfully that is still a few days away, and we dont have to make that call yet. #mommaiswearingthin #wheretheheckisthelaundryfairywhenyouneedher
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 20:17:43 +0000

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