Sorry for not posting more of this guys! Heres where I left off in - TopicsExpress


Sorry for not posting more of this guys! Heres where I left off in the last post :) After I sat on the edge of the water for a while, I realized that I should probably get going. The sky was just orange now and the sun was shining, beaming down on me to warm my freezing, numb skin. Ahead of me, I spotted smoke puffing into the air and my heart dropped, hoping that it was a legitimate settlement. I started to walk a little faster towards the smoke and when I did, my heart dropped even more in result of the outcome: a small town, (good enough) full of rushing people with baskets, wheelbarrows, shovels and all sorts of odds and ends. Hello, came a friendly voice from my right. I turned to look at the person: an elf, a Wood Elf. I smiled politely despite my embarrassment of being pretty much naked in front of the man. My name is Fandael. But that doesnt matter right now. We must get you inside and tend to your wounds. Ill have the towns blacksmith craft you some light armor and a steel dagger. Ill pay for your room, dont worry about payments. The kindness of Fandael struck me, making me flush and smile brightly. Algor! I heard him shout. Within seconds of the call, a raspy voice responded, causing Fandael to shout again, Craft this young woman here some light leather armor and a steel dagger please. Lowering his voice to talk to me, he says, Now, lets get you inside. The small building wed entered was called the Sleeping Giant Inn. It was filled with people who were drinking, dancing, singing, playing instruments, laughing. Their moods did not change as I entered the inn nearly naked. Stay here, darling. Ill be just a minute, spoke Fandael. I stood awkwardly in front of the strangers, scanning them over. The majority of them were men but the women had been kind of off to the side with the other women, sewing and reading while drinking mead. As the kind elf came walking back over to me, he said that he has rented me a room for a week that he will pay off and that if I chose to stay longer than that, I would have to get the money together myself. Understandable. Leave comments and stuff :)
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 17:40:12 +0000

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