Sorry for not posting much. My heart has been burdened. Im gonna - TopicsExpress


Sorry for not posting much. My heart has been burdened. Im gonna go over each day in this post so bear with me. Day 1- to start our first flight was canceled. Not really that big a deal considering we were going to have to spend the night in the Miami airport plus we would get one more good shower before departing. Day 2- we started early. We had to be at the airport at 4 a.m. so that meant we were up at 2:30 - 3:00 a.m. We were to arrive in Haiti on the same day as planned just 5 hrs later. Everything went smooth until we arrived at the Haiti airport. Had a little trouble gathering our 18 plus pieces of luggage. We loaded 3 luggage carts down and preceded to exit the airport. Everyone was able to exit except the 4 men handling the carts. We were asked to go a different route. We were asked to stop at some tables then asked if we had medicine. UH-OH! We told them we didnt know what we had for we did not pack them. We was then ordered to place each bag on the table & they began to search. First bag opened, medicine bottles fell everywhere! They went through every bag. Our team had split up medicines in separate bootlegs for individual dosage. They confiscated all those that were individually bottled because they contained no expiration date. Finally got to exit the airport without being subdued. Went to the rental place to pay the $3000 vehicle deposit & our preloaded card could not be accepted. Got that straightened out & were on our way to Carrefour, which means crossroads. It was a rough ride with heavy traffic. I think the ride caused some emotional stress on several of the team members for what they saw. Just the driving conditions would bring any American to near death experience. We arrive at the church/mission house with well over 100 Haitians waiting to be seen by an American doctor. We were stressed out, some emotionally broken, some scared,all tired & hungry, & 15 out of 15 dead tired. But I will say, we as a team, here to serve, put all those feelings & emotions behind us & we unselfishly seen and treated and medicated and prayed for and, most importantly, led some to Christ. When all was said & done I was scared for this team. Not of danger but I didnt know if we were gonna be able to hold it together. I prayed to God asking him whats going to happen? Even after He answered me, I still went to sleep fearing as we awoke the next morning there would be division, conflict, & breakdown. But God had other plans! Day 3- I got up early & with a knot in my stomach. I had already declared this trip a failure. I was already saying to myself, thats it no more trips for me. As I began to walk around & talk with the different members of our team all my fears were diminished. They also had been praying. The attitudes & vibes was beyond amazing. We prayed, had breakfast, & it was off again to a place called Canaan. Considered one of the poorest & neglected regions in the area. All I can say is heart breaking. We seen over 200, gave out an estimated 1000 lbs of rice & beans 2 lbs at a time, handed out numerous miscellaneous gifts & candy, & most importantly, 13 salvations. When we arrived back at the mission house, again dead tired, some managed to attend a end of year celebration here at the church. Very nicely done it was. Only downfall was supposed to start at 9 p.m. but didnt start till after 11 p.m. & finished at 2 a.m. Day 4 - today - Didnt have to get up quite as early because todays location was only 15 mins. away. It was a very remote location. Up the mountain on very narrow & steep roads. Again when we arrive we have a couple hundred people waiting on us. We only had enough meds to treat roughly 50-60 people. None the less we had 6-7 salvations & handed out a large quantity of toys, shirts, underwear, toothbrushes, etc..... When we came back to the mission house, we ate dinner, which by the way all the meals prepared here at the mission house have been fabulous, & some went on to bed, others attend a worship service they hold here called praying in the New Year. Worship, praying, & testimonies. As this trip comes to an end Im going to say mission accomplished! I think some eyes were opened, hearts broken, ailments treated, & again, most importantly souls saved. Im so thankful for Crossroads Fellowship that goes above & beyond with all the support possible to go on a trip like this. Thanks for all the prayers. A great big enormous thanks to this team! Every person here went out of their way & sacrificed to make this trip an outstanding trip! But most of all I thank my Saviour! He has showed us to just let Him have control of any situation, couldnt have survived without Him!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 04:39:29 +0000

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