Sorry for the delay, here is my testimonial for the 2nd edition of - TopicsExpress


Sorry for the delay, here is my testimonial for the 2nd edition of Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism. Here is a recovery story from one of the moms in a facebook group healing kids from Autism that I am in. Getting a new recovery almost weekly now. This one is number 107 Recovery #107 Having a sick child is a full time job. Even when they are well, your mind is filled with ways to keep them from getting sick again, ways to improve their current state, ways to help others who were where you were just a short time ago. It is my hope to do all three. Autism entered my life a few years ago, but I didnt recognize it. My son, Gunnar was three when my husband and I realized he wasnt progressing as he should. He wasnt asking why, what, where, or when questions. He wasnt growing. He was lining up his trains and cars, screaming if we touched one of them. Gunnar was oppositional and refused to go into a crowded place. He didnt look anyone in the eye, and it seemed to make him uncomfortable to try. He had several sensory issues such as covering his ears when music played, even when the volume was low. He had an aversion to touch and would often yell, ouch! when someone touched his arm softly. He was constipated. He smeared his feces on the wall. He often woke in the middle of the night screaming. My husband or I would find him in the fetal position and he couldnt or didnt respond when we asked what hurt. Gunnar went ballistic when we tried to wash or cut his hair or brush his teeth. He was indifferent to me leaving for work, and what was most painful for me, he ran and hid when I returned. He didnt much care for his own mom and that was heart breaking for me. We also noticed some regression. Gunnar stopped showing interest in potty training. He went from saying, Gotta go pee pee! to not even recognizing hed soiled his pants. He started refusing foods he previously enjoyed. He went from using several words in succession to not speaking more than two words strung together. He started to be extremely picky when it came to the foods he would eat and spent most of his time at the dinner table staring out of the window. We were losing our son. Our son was born with an Autoimmune condition, Hypothyroidism. He started taking medication just three days after he was born. Initially my husband and I interpreted some of our sons Autism symptoms as side effects from his medication dosage fluctuations. After all, we voiced our concerns to his Pediatric Endocrinologist, and she assured us he was fine. She said the medication was likely making him lethargic. She said boys took longer to potty train. As time went on, Gunnars symptoms multiplied and worsened, and other caregivers took notice and shared their concerns. At our sons next Endocrinologist appointment, I insisted on a referral for a developmental evaluation. Our son was diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in January of 2013. He was 4 years old. I immediately went into research mode reading everything I could get my hands on that was related to healing Autism. A month after his diagnosis, we started a gluten, dairy, soy free diet and saw digestive issues disappearing. The night-waking was going away. He turned toward us when we called his name. He spoke in short sentences, requesting to watch a movie or eat a snack. A month after Gunnars diagnosis we had further testing done to see where he was on the spectrum. When we showed up for the appointment, the diagnostic team was impressed with our sons progress. He responded when they asked him to point to specific items, and he had no trouble matching items together. I remember thinking he was much smarter than Id realized. Clearly the problem with our son was physical. The test results showed Gunnars speech and language to be at a 23 month olds level with his gross and fine motor skills not much further along. We were determined to heal our son and scheduled an appointment to have all kinds of testing done including food allergies, comprehensive stool analysis, and genetic mutation tests. These results showed that our son was sick with food allergies, leaky gut caused by an overgrowth of bacteria, and pathogens. We knew what we were up against. We were on the right track with diet, but had to find out how to get rid of the bacteria and pathogens. In my research, I stumbled upon the CD forum. It was the first treatment program that made complete sense to me. We received the book in June. It was the first book our son ever showed interest in. He kept saying, This is it! and, This book is the best! He didnt want to put the book down. My husband and I looked at each other with tear-filled eyes. We knew Gunnar was right; this was it. We started the CD Protocol immediately...just five months after our sons diagnosis. His starting ATEC was an 80. Immediately we saw regular bowel movements, diminished dark circles under his eyes, and healthy skin coloring. Gunnar began to sleep through the night. Four days into the protocol, our son started taking turns and sharing with other kids. That night, he danced at a graduation party. Every day, his vocabulary improved. Four weeks into the protocol, our son no longer needed his thyroid medication hed been on his entire life. He started using the bathroom unprompted. He dressed himself unprompted. He brushed his teeth on his own. Gunnar didnt mind getting his hair cut. He began to engage in reciprocal conversation. Seven weeks into the protocol, we saw so many behavioral improvements, we decided to take the ATEC test again. Gunnars score was a 40. It was cut in half in seven weeks!!! Eight weeks into the protocol our son celebrated his 5th birthday. It was the first time he showed anticipation for a party. He was excited to open his gifts and thanked everyone individually. Normally, Gunnar would run and play by himself when guests came over. He had always covered his ears and yelled, Stop singing! at previous parties. Gunnar was happy when everyone sang Happy Birthday to him. He was healthy and present. It was one of the happiest days of our lives. Twelve weeks into the protocol, our son started mainstream preschool. All previous attempts to take him to school resulted in anxiety and complete meltdowns. He started speaking in complete sentences and his speech was relevant to the situation. He started showing interest in books. Fifteen weeks in, our son read his own bedtime story with no help. He picked out his own Halloween costume. He brought home his artwork and proudly showed it to us. His teachers continually voiced their pleasure at his progress. His speech therapist said he was at age level for speech and language. (thats 3 years worth of progress!) Twenty four weeks into the protocol, our sons ATEC score is a 10. He continues to go to mainstream preschool and is interested in learning. He is reading a variety of books. He is counting in English and Spanish. He knows his US geography, and does puzzles that are advanced for his age. He asks questions. His speech is appropriate and relevant with continued improvement in vocabulary and articulation. He loves to sing, dance, and paint. Our son is smart, funny, and very affectionate. He spontaneously hugs and kisses me and tells me he loves me. And the best part of all? When I come home from work, Gunnar yells, Moooommmmyyyy!, runs up to me, jumps into my arms, and wraps his little arms around my neck. I have my son back. I could never sufficiently thank Kerri Rivera for all of her selfless help. She and her team of parents give freely of their time and energy to bring kids and their families out of the depths of Autism. It is my hope to pay it forward. All children deserve a healthy childhood. If you are holding this book, you are likely in the position my family was in just 10 months ago. This is the way to turn your feelings of desperation into determination. This is the way to change the future for your family. This is the way out of Autism.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 02:20:44 +0000

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