Sorry for the delay on the other collection but I had to pause - TopicsExpress


Sorry for the delay on the other collection but I had to pause inventorying it to take in a small batch of some nicer cards! The list of everything from both of these is below... Anaba Ancestor R Homelands -1 Angels Feather U Magic 2011 Core -1 Arcbound Wanderer U Fifth Dawn -1 Auriok Replica C Scars of Mirrodi -1 Avarice Totem U Fifth Dawn -1 Azorius Charm U Return to Ravnic -3 Banisher Priest FR FNM -1 Batterskull FM Grand Prix -1 Battle Rampart C Rise of the Eldr -3 Battlegate Mimic C Eventide -1 Blasting Station U Fifth Dawn -1 Blood Moon R Modern Masters -1 Blood Moon R The Dark -1 Bloodied Ghost U Eventide -1 Boon Satyr R Theros -1 Burst Lightning C Zendikar -1 Caterwauling Boggart C Lorwyn -1 Chromatic Star C Time Spiral -1 Chrome Steed C Scars of Mirrodi -1 Clockwork Beast R1 5th Edition -1 Coldsteel Heart U Coldsnap -1 Copper Myr C Scars of Mirrodi -1 Coral Helm R1 5th Edition -1 Crazed Goblin C Darksteel -1 Dancing Scimitar R1 4th Edition -1 Demolish U 8th Edition -1 Demons Horn U Magic 2011 Core -1 Despotic Scepter R1 Ice Age -1 Detention Sphere R Return to Ravnic -4 Dogpile C Ravnica -1 Eidolon of Blossoms R Journey into Nyx -1 Elixir of Immortality U Magic 2011 Core -1 Emberstrike Duo C Shadowmoor -1 Emberwilde Djinn R1 Mirage -1 Ephara, God of the Polis M Born of the Gods -2 Feldons Cane S Time Spiral -1 Fellwar Stone U1 5th Edition -1 Firemaw Kavu U Time Spiral -1 Flowstone Crusher U 9th Edition -1 Flying Carpet R1 4th Edition -2 Flying Carpet R1 5th Edition -1 Forked Bolt U Rise of the Eldr -1 Giants Ire C Lorwyn -1 Glint Hawk Idol C Scars of Mirrodi -1 Gobhobbler Rats C Dissension -1 Goblin Brigand C 9th Edition -1 Goblin Furrier C Coldsnap -2 Goblin Mountaineer C Shards of Alara -1 Goblin Mountaineer C Starter 1999 -2 Goblin Outlander C Conflux -1 Goblin Patrol C Urzas Saga -1 Goblin Ruinblaster U Zendikar -1 Goblin Vandal C Weatherlight -1 Goblin Warrens R1 5th Edition -1 Gravelgill Axeshark C Shadowmoor -1 Grotag Siege-Runner C Rise of the Eldr -3 Hammer of Purphoros R Theros -1 Hunting Moa S Time Spiral -1 Hurr Jackal R1 4th Edition -1 Inner-Flame Igniter U Lorwyn -1 Intimidator Initiate C Shadowmoor -1 Iron Myr C Scars of Mirrodi -1 Ivory Cup U 8th Edition -1 Ivory Cup U1 Unlimited -1 Jace, Memory Adept M Magic 2014 Core -1 Jaws of Stone U Shadowmoor -1 Jhoiras Timebug C Time Spiral -2 Jinxed Ring R Stronghold -3 Lightning Storm U Coldsnap -1 Liquimetal Coating U Scars of Mirrodi -2 Lotus Bloom R Modern Masters -1 Magma Spray C Shards of Alara -1 Mana Clash R1 4th Edition -2 Mana Cylix C Conflux -1 Maniacal Rage C Conflux -1 Market Festival FC Journey into Nyx -1 Martyr of Ashes C Coldsnap -2 Master of Waves M Theros -3 Medicine Runner C Shadowmoor -1 Memory Sluice C Shadowmoor -2 Misty Rainforest R Zendikar -1 Molten Rain C Mirrodin -1 Monss Goblin Raiders C1 5th Edition -1 Mudbrawler Cohort C Shadowmoor -2 Mudbutton Torchrunner C Lorwyn -1 Mutavault R Magic 2014 Core -2 Myr Servitor C Fifth Dawn -2 Myr Sire C Mirrodin Beseige -2 Neurok Stealthsuit C Fifth Dawn -1 Nightveil Specter R Gatecrash -4 Obelisk of Bant C Shards of Alara -1 Ogre Taskmaster U 9th Edition -1 Oonas Gatewarden C Shadowmoor -1 Outrage Shaman U Eventide -1 Peregrine Mask U Ravnica -1 Petrahydrox C Guildpact -1 Pheres-Band Warchief R Journey into Nyx -1 Pilgrims Eye C Worldwake -1 Pithing Needle R Return to Ravnic -1 Quicken R Magic 2014 Core -1 Raging Goblin C 9th Edition -1 Raid Bombardment C Rise of the Eldr -1 Rakdos Ickspitter C Dissension -2 Rakdos Signet C Dissension -1 Ratchet Bomb R Magic 2014 Core -2 Ravens Run Dragoon C Shadowmoor -1 Reinforced Bulwark FC Rise of the Eldr -1 Rod of Ruin U 8th Edition -1 Runeflare Trap U Zendikar -1 Sabertooth Alley Cat FC Ravnica -1 Scorched Rusalka FU Guildpact -1 Scrapbasket C Shadowmoor -2 Scryb Ranger U Time Spiral -1 Seething Pathblazer C Morningtide -1 Seismic Shudder C Zendikar -1 Seismic Shudder FC Zendikar -1 Seismic Spike C Ravnica -1 Sheltering Ancient U Coldsnap -1 Simic Signet C Dissension -2 Smash to Smithereens C Shadowmoor -1 Smokebraider C Lorwyn -1 Sootstoke Kindler C Shadowmoor -2 Sootwalkers C Shadowmoor -1 Spawning Breath C Rise of the Eldr -1 Sphinxs Revelation M Return to Ravnic -4 Stalker Hag U Eventide -1 Supreme Verdict R Return to Ravnic -4 SuqAta Lancer S Time Spiral -2 Swamp C Innistrad -1 Swamp C Mirrodin Beseige -1 Tarfire C Lorwyn -1 Taste for Mayhem C Dissension -3 Tattermunge Duo C Shadowmoor -2 Terrarion C Ravnica -1 Thassa, God of the Sea M Theros -4 Thermopod C Coldsnap -1 Thistledown Duo C Shadowmoor -1 Thornwatch Scarecrow C Shadowmoor -3 Tidebinder Mage R Magic 2014 Core -4 Torpor Dust C Shadowmoor -2 Toxic Deluge R Commander 2013 E -1 Toxic Iguanar C Conflux -1 Tremor C Starter 1999 -1 Trigon of Mending U Scars of Mirrodi -1 Vent Sentinel C Rise of the Eldr -1 Viashino Skeleton C Shards of Alara -1 Viashino Slaughtermaster FU Conflux -1 Volcanic Hammer C 9th Edition -1 Voodoo Doll R Chronicles -1 Voracious Hatchling U Eventide -1 Walking Atlas C Worldwake -2 Wanderbrine Rootcutters C Shadowmoor -2 Wanderers Twig C Lorwyn -1 Watchwing Scarecrow C Shadowmoor -1 Wee Dragonauts C Guildpact -1 Whip Sergeant U 9th Edition -1 Wicker Warcrawler U Shadowmoor -1 Wilderness Elemental U Coldsnap -1 Wingrattle Scarecrow C Shadowmoor -3 Winter Sky R Homelands -1 Wistful Selkie U Eventide -1 Wrap in Flames C Rise of the Eldr -1
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 20:05:40 +0000

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