Sorry for the late post. Been a long day. Couldnt resist sharing - TopicsExpress


Sorry for the late post. Been a long day. Couldnt resist sharing from my Shameless study. Really powerful. Hope you can take a minute or two to read it. Good Shame, Bad Shame God clearly instructed Adam with regard to his options in the garden of Eden, warning him of the consequences of disobedience. Adam and Eve, in perfect union with God, traded the truth of this perfect fellowship with God, and instead chose Satans deadly deception. You will not surely die,the serpent said to the woman. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. Genesis 3:4-5 Anytime there is bad shame, you can be sure Satan is close by, quickly telling us we are defective in some way, that we are filthy and worthless. It happened in the blink of an eye to Eve. In the snap of the fingers. In the beat of her heart. It happened so quickly she wasnt sure what to think or say. Or do. Silently, the lie had crawled up to her and before reality had time to sink in, she had slept in its bed. A dream she thought it would be. Rather, a charmed slumber turned into her worst nightmare. She had been promised the keys to the world, but awoke with merely the chains to hell. If only she had listened. Listening could not have been that hard to do, yet she did not. So simple and yet so difficult for her. She had, so to speak, let into her bed the one partner God had said to keep away. That promise beside her turned out to be a lie from the chief of all liars. She had gone to sleep a queen in the garden of perfection and awakened as a captive in the prison of all cells. The charmer turned out to be a snake. The promise a lie. The keys of freedom that had once held the world at her beck and call, now tainted, held her captive to her own personal prison. Silently it happened. All was stolen. Eve was the partaker of the forbidden fruit and the revolving door of shame opened. Debbie Vanderslice Looking forward to this 8 week study. Hugs!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 02:20:46 +0000

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