Sorry for the length and possible obscenities for the post but - TopicsExpress


Sorry for the length and possible obscenities for the post but after sleeping on what happened last night, I feel even stronger about my position on the hypocrisy of the NHL. First, let me preface this by saying John Scotts hit was definitely dirty. WAYYYYY dirtier than Kaletas hit. I would rather not have John Scott on the team, and would rather have Kaleta play with Porter if you want to relegate and ruin Grigorenko on the 4th line. I would actually rather see a line of Tropp Grigorenko and Porter, or even move either Larsson or Grigo to the wing, throw in porter, and move Armia to the third line but alas, Armia and Tropp are injured. But yet, I digress. I am numb. Officially numb to what is happening to our franchise. To have an owner who cried at the prospect of leading our team to prominence at his first press conference, then turn around and say injuries are an excuse for a bad season but the fact and main reason we didnt make the playoffs is atrocious. To sit there and see your Coach and General Manager RUIN a prominent prospects career by putting him on a line with John Scott and Patrick Kaleta all the while giving Grigorenko 6 minutes a game is a sham. Its a joke. I dont lose sleep over it and I dont take a ton of it to heart, but when I read a bunch of message boards and seeing the team I love get clowned on, by fans of franchises that have gone NO WHERE since the 04-05 lockout shows you exactly where this franchise is. Now on the the hypocrisy of the league. Color me a hypocrite too if you please, but if you sat right across from me, I will tell you right to your face and in your eyes that Kaletas hit on I believe it was Jack Johnson, did not warrant a 10 game suspension. There was no intent to injure, he didnt go out of his way to contact the head, there was NO injury on the play and no penalty either. Then the almighty Brendan Shanahan comes down and exercises his power to penalize a player he obviously has personal feelings against. Then you have an ample amount of hits. Two hits exactly that left players taken off on stretchers whose combined length of suspensions equaled Kaletas. Really? REALLY?? This prior history crap is nonsense. It is high time that you do not take into account prior histories, and you start dishing out punishments based on the penalties called, and the severity of the injury. Plain out, even if your name is Steven Stamkos, or Claude Giroux, or Sidney Crosby, if you make contact with someones head, even if it is a guy like Cody McCormick, or BJ Crombeen or George Parros, you should get the same suspension that the latter three would get for hitting a player in the former three. The line of The NHL doesnt want to lose guys of that caliber so they dont want to suspend them very long, is an absolute joke. The way you hand out suspensions makes you look even more putrid than if you were to hand a superstar a 10 game suspension. Now onto the NBC Sports Network. For a guy like Mike Milbury to call out a player for toeing the line (albeit going over) is the most hypocritical thing I have ever seen. For a guy who can sit there and judge a player who plays dirty and is a goon should not be in this league while he was the SAME PLAYER when he played is a joke. And for a guy who ruined his franchise and set them back for over 15 years.....IE trading Luongo and Chara, getting 2 top 5 picks in the same year and picking Connolly and Kvasha (or was it Pyatt?) then applying the coup d gras and trading and signing for Alexei Yashin........for a guy like that to criticize any GM in the league is hilarious. Mike Milbury: Proof you can crap out of your mouth and talk out of your ass every one.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 14:50:54 +0000

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