Sorry for the long wait but this part was kinda long!!! Here is - TopicsExpress


Sorry for the long wait but this part was kinda long!!! Here is PART 2 of Rosies first story...Raised to Race, Rescued to Ride Enjoy and take it away Rosie!!!! PART 2 The two legged ones opened the door to the room where my mother and I were. I was born early this morning but I finally have my legs under control and I hop back behind my mom as the door opens all the way and a two legged creature walked in and put some strange contraption on my mother’s face. I was still wary of these strange beings…they walked upright on two legs and were tall and funny looking. Using a rope attached the thing they put on my mother’s face they began to lead her out of our room and I had no choice but to follow. My mom was completely out of the straw bedded room but I had come to a complete stop. I looked down and the floor was flat and rough looking, a very large contrast to the soft and itchy straw I was used to. They kept pulling my mom away and I began to panic…what was this surface that lay in front of me? I began to call for my mom and she turned her head and nickered to me that it was okay to follow her. I slowly took my first step onto the concrete surface with my front left leg and tested its durability. Mom was slowly being lead farther down the long hallway so I had to make my next move. With all my strength I leaped onto the surface…my hooves making loud and scary sounds as they hit this new ground cover. I slide a little bit but soon all four hooves were on this hard new surface and I stood there just to make sure I wouldnt sink into or fall on this hard floor. By now my mother had reached the end of the hallway and I could see her silhouette against the bright light at the end of the hall. I took another step toward her and then another until I was sure I could handle this new surface…then I trotted off leaving an echo of stomping sounds as I pranced down the hallway nickering for my mother. I passed a couple of two legged creatures on my way down the hall but I was more concerned about reaching my mother who was still stopped and waiting for me…still nickering to me to follow and that everything would be okay. When I reached her I was in for another shock…. I slide to stop as the hard concrete surface changed yet again! This time the new ground resembled the straw bedding of our room but the color was a bright green. It was easier for me to take that first step onto this footing and when I took my first step it felt even softer than the straw and nowhere near as itchy. I got up as close to my mother as I could and wrapped my body around her rear legs to stay as far away from the two legged one that was still holding my mother by a rope. They better not try to do that to me! The two legged creature began to lead my mother again and this time I made sure to stay as close to her as I could. That experience inside made me never want to leave her side again! We walked a short distance and reached a metal gate which the two legged one opened and walked us through. It was scary but I kept close to my mom whose ears hadnt turned away from me from the start of this strange little walk. The gate shut behind us and the two legged creature unhooked the rope from my mother and gave her a pat on the neck. It started to walk toward me with its arm out but I managed to dodge it by running underneath my mom and getting to her other side. The creature made a funny laughing sound and said the words “Oh Little Rosie” before turning back and walking out through the gate we were lead through. “Finally “ I thought…”I’m alone with my mother!” I went to get a drink but my mother had another idea in mind. She turned back and looked at me with wide eyes, shook her head and took off at a flat out run nickering and calling out behind her. This is what I was waiting for… more room to run! I nickered to her and soon was off running to catch her going as fast as my long thin legs would carry me. The wind rushed by us as we galloped up and over a hill until we were out of sight of the two legged ones. We stopped and my mother began to eat the green stuff that made up this new ground. I was too excited to stop! I wanted to run and stretch my new legs! I ran around her over and over again in circles as she grazed on the soft green grass below our feet. After a while I began to tire so I stopped and finally got myself that meal I wanted. As I filled my belly with milk I listened to the sounds around us and I noticed that we werent alone. I could hear the sounds of pounding hooves…ones that sounded just like my mother’s when she first took off out into this field….only there were more and coming from other directions. I could also here the nickers and calls of other horses….I popped my head up and turned and could see several other horses galloping up and down the fence line that separated our field from theirs. They were all around us galloping and bucking and rearing and calling out to my mother and me, the only thing separating us was a wooden fence. I watched as they ran and played with each other…all focusing on me…the newest arrival. In the field to the left was a solid black horse who was galloping faster than anything I had ever seen… From that moment on I wanted to be just like that horse…running fast and free…. I looked at my mom with a hopeful look and she nickered to me…”You’re going to be a racehorse Rosie.”
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 02:34:57 +0000

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