Sorry for the post today. I am submitting a correction for the - TopicsExpress


Sorry for the post today. I am submitting a correction for the January 19, 2015 post from an older post whose figures needed to be updated. January 19, 2015 Well, today is a Federal holiday and our president was officially inaugurated two years ago today. I hope each of will continue seeking the face of God because God is the only hope for us as a nation. Our president is our president and it seems he continues to set his face against the face of God. That has happened to the shame and the disgrace of our nation. As we look at many of the things that he has done we may sometime feel as if we are a 3rd world nation rather than the United States of America. Yes, we are still a free nation, but how long will we stay a free nation? We have astronomical debt and encroaching taxes to pay for all the abuses of power that’s occurred on capital hill. Our elected officials have lived high on the hog while the rest of us feel as if we’re the original pilgrims who are trying to forge our way through a wilderness of hostiles and uncertainties. The hostiles are the policies that are forced upon us and the things taunted in our face by those who are suppose to be our servants to help us. Sometime is drastically wrong when we’ve elected those in office to serve us, but serve themselves and get rich off of a very flawed system filled with demigods. We do not have to look long or far to find abuses within the system. We’ve heard much about the abuse of inside trading with the stocks of our land as political leaders are allowed to do what is not allowed for Joe Q. Public. We have problems. When our once again elected president was inaugurated, his limo was sporting the vanity plate, which according to Mike Huckabee read, “Taxation without Representation.” Can you imagine such a thing? When the real patriots cried, “No taxation without representation.” Yes, we have real problems. Is there any answer? Yes, I believe there is an answer, but it involves the One we’ve forgotten in this nation and what we need to do. Let me remind us of what I read in Proverbs 21:1, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turns it wherever He wills (wishes).” That leads me to the conclusion that what is happening in our nation is God’s will for us. It most likely has to do with the way we have turned to everyone and everything but God. So, is not God speaking loudly and clearly to us? Is He not saying do you really want change in your lives and nation? If so, then I’m available, but it must be something you want. Therefore God continues to cry out to us as it is found in the scriptures. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” God’s people seem to have forgotten how to humble themselves, so we seem to be experiencing a little bit of humbling through the things we are going through. It also seems that God’s people have forgotten how to pray or we’d be praying. It also seems that we have forgotten how to seek the face of the one who said in Jer. 29:13, “You shall seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Then the last thing that God says we need to do is turn from our wicked ways. We’re facing the anniversary of Roe verses Wade. In 42 years we’ve murdered 56 to 57 million babies. When we’ve come to the place of turning from our sins, then we have come to a place that says we want the One who can change us to change us. He is the only hope for America or for each of us individually. Will you join me in seeking Him with all your heart so that He may bring hope and change to our lives and to us as a Nation. Then as He does that work, we can say to the world there is a God in the Heavens who hears and works in His people as they genuinely repent. May it be so!!!
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:26:24 +0000

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