Sorry for the wait FOR PREVIOUS EPISODES CHECK MY WALL *LUST - TopicsExpress


Sorry for the wait FOR PREVIOUS EPISODES CHECK MY WALL *LUST IN LOVE* (episode 10) *Present Day* He had come prepared for a nasty confrontation and he wasnt leaving without answers , he purposed getting down from the back of the SUV and walking briskly up to the administrative block which housed the reception. He was dropping the reporter bullshit and would demand straightforward answers from her and if the little girl turned out to be his daughter, he would employ every effort he had into taking her from Melrose forcefully. Stepping into the reception, the receptionist was not behind her desk but he heard Melrose’s voice faintly from her office and he decided on going in but as he was about to knock, he heard her say his name. Dropping his hand which had stopped midway, he shuffled closer to the door and listened, eavesdropping. It seemed she was on the phone. “I don’t know why I feel it’s him…..there was this inexplicable feeling I felt when I held his hand,.. it brought back memories.... memories of him...and the voice … so like his….I thought I would faint.” she said before pausing for a while, listening to whoever was on the other end. When she spoke next, her voice had turned sour “He left me Agnes, he just left......disappeared without a word, left me and I will forever hate him for it.... ” Trevor couldnt believe what he was hearing, that so wasn’t true, and his heart wrenched hearing the bitterness in her voice. He’d left abruptly yeah, but she could have reached him if she’d wanted to.... had she forgotten she had driven him off, told him never to reach her and he had left the country that same night in anger but had been hopeful she would reach him. He had waited and waited to no avail, until Edison had told him she’d moved on with her life and gotten back with her boyfriend, Septimus and they had begun plans for their wedding. She had no right to talk about hatred here, if anyone was to hate and be angry, It should be him because she had deceived him, what they had hadnt mattered, for her to have moved on so easily. She continued speaking “….. I know if I’d told his Aunt or his cousin, he would have reappeared but I was angry at the time, I just didn’t think he deserved to know… and I didnt want him coming back just to do the right thing, you know? His eyebrows shot up ‘didn’t deserve to know what, and what could she have told his aunt? what was the right thing?’ he wondered frustrated, all he wanted to do was barge in and demand answers but he had a feeling that would be a bad idea. If he barged in, he knew she wouldnt tell him a thing, instead they would have the mother of all fights, create a scene, with no headway made. “I was so foolish…. I thought what...What we had was real…I guess my father got that part right, he warned me but I didn’t listen,” she continued.. Trevor’s breath caught on hearing her talk about her demon of a father, the manipulative son of a ....., who couldn’t speak the truth to save his life! He’d been the catalyst to their break up and Trevor severely regretted the deal he’d made with the devil of a man, maybe if he’d not listened to him, If he’d just held on for a while longer, things would have been different now. Shaking himself, he cleared his head, he wasn’t the one to be blamed here, he’d accepted the deal because she had left, it was she who had left first. ” ...anyway, I dont want to talk about it right now…. It gets me in a really bad mood and its all in the past ......Yeah, expecting him today…… I asked Annabel to pick her up and babysit for a while just incase of any drama….If it turns out to be him?.... I dont know I will probably put a few things together and run, take my daughter and relocate, I don’t want him ever seeing me like this…..and worse he wouldnt take it lightly if he found out after all these years.” Found out what after all these years? he wondered, now knowing that if he dropped his facade, it might probably be the last he’d hear from her,he couldnt let that happen. For a moment he wondered about her husband and boyfriend from before, Septimus, she hadnt mentioned him, were they separated? He didnt seem to be in the picture anymore. She was still speaking “No, Annabel is unaware of all this....I’m scared Agnes, I will just have to see how it plays out….. maybe I’m just being crazy and imagining things….. Yeah, a feature will help very much, I’m barely making ends meet and I don’t want to close this place up. We are doing so much good here….Yeah, still very broke, Sugar Ray says we aren’t making money enough to cover running expenses, I’ve had to let some teachers go, I have just two left along with myself and Maureen who almost works for free. Agnes, I need a miracle….. If I close this place, what will the students do? What will I do?” Trevor heard the disappointment in her voice and knew she really loved what she did here. “I’m not stressing myself Agnes…. collect money from my father? Are you for real?” she screeched “That man did nothing but to almost ruin my life, he’s one of the many reasons I’m where I am now…. I finally have the courage to do what I should have done years ago. I don’t need his money, I would rather be broke than be his pawn. He controlled my life once before but never again. Aggie! Please don’t mention him ever as an option for me, I’d rather trust a snake than him,” Hearing footsteps coming , he straightened up and moved away from the door. It was the receptionist, Maureen. Her features brightened on seeing him. “Ah, Mr. Favour Stevens, you’re quite early today.” she told him with a tooty grin. “Yeah,” he said and although he was in no mood to smile, he managed a small one for her benefit “I figured I might have to spend a bit of time knowing what goes on around here.” She nodded, the big smile still on her face “Great. Let me just see if Mrs. Melrose is available to receive you.” Alright,” he replied stepping aside for her to go into the office. His bullshi’t journalist identity was back, he figured he still needed it for a while yet until he got the answers he needed. She had said it herself, she would run and he wouldn’t find her again if she ever found him out. NEXT EPISODES LOADING.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 19:44:36 +0000

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