Sorry havent posted much at all today but last night I came down - TopicsExpress


Sorry havent posted much at all today but last night I came down pretty quickly with some nasty mix of chest cold/ stomach flu mess than has done a doozy on my in the last 24 hrs. Managed to get our tree up finally and finished decorating it today but feeling pretty crappy. Wanted to update on a meeting I had today that was a bit eye opening, n brought a few realizations I wasnt expecting. The program that pays for Jordans ABA aka her caseworker, myself and Jordans senior ABA therapist met today for the first time all at once. This will be a monthly thing just to see how Jordan is doing, making sure things are going smoothly, Jordan has what she needs etc. Well, today bein the first these two discussed where Senior L n her ABA team feels she is now. This is what as a mother was kind of a kick in the gut even though im my own way I already knew it. As I have mentioned before knowing something is one thing, hearing it confirmed by a profession is another. Make it REAL. First, Academically Jordan is with her peers and even in a lot of ways significantly ahead in several areas. Which is GREAT, dont get me wrong. BUT, emotionally L, her team and I agree she is more at a 2/3 yr old level, socially she is borderline 5 yr old barely. So there is we had to pinpoint we would have to say more like 4 yrs old. Mind you she is 10, most of her peers and friends are about the same age and dont understand why she acts like and does things of typical 3/4 yrs old on average. We arent quite sure on language yet because they have to spend more time with her, but if I had to range it I would say maybe 8 on a good day. There is where she struggles so much, the drastic difference is where she is in different areas. Considering she is not only number wise 10, but physically she is the size of an average 12 yr old. She towers over most of her peers so of course they understandably are confused when she behaves much younger. they just dont get her most of the time. :( She has her bff who is a couple yrs younger, and most of the time is pretty passive n just does what Jordan wants and does everything not to piss Jordan off LOL. Her friend next door is 5.. so they usually get along fairly well as they tend to be on the same level when playing. Now, when it comes to how she plays with other kids, she doesnt always play with them, but more along side them, as long as they are playing what she wants them to. Senior L said this is why she thinks Jordan is more 4/ borderline 5 because at about 5yrs old is when kids start playing together, interacting during play, giving up that social control. Jordan isnt there yet, but it is an ABA goal they will be working on over time. It is good to know where she is in these areas, so they have a starting point, and have ideas of what all she needs help with, and as we progress make plans for helping her develop these skills to eventually have more successful peer relationships, and maintain same age peer friendships. I am in now way ever trying to change who she is or how she thinks which is a big concern of many people looking into ABA. What I as her parent want is to give her the best chance possible to be happy as she gets older. To be able to be out in the real world, maintain friendships, be able to be in social environments and know what is reasonably acceptable behavior wise. Jordan has always wanted to be popular, wants to have a lot of friends, but has never known HOW. If in 3.. or 5.. or 8 yrs.. she is at least able to do that and be happy.. the many hours in the meantime will be well worth it!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 05:06:14 +0000

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