Sorry if I offended some of my friends regarding the 49ers game - TopicsExpress


Sorry if I offended some of my friends regarding the 49ers game today. I have to get this off my chest cause its been bothering me since last season. Everyone thinks kapp is the second coming of young or Montana or treats him like one. Hes not. At least not yet. I watched him as he played. He is NOT ready. Im not a Alex smith fan cause hes better. Lets just say hes not worse... My best friend Marc Liu once said hes got potential. He does... Tons of it. But thats not the only thing it takes. At this point, hes like a Lamborghini but with the maturity of a teenage driver on a permit. He doesnt know how to drive it yet. I dont blame him as much as the coach. He demoted Alex smith at his prime due to injury. Alex went through the toughest dark times in 49ers history. 4-5 head coaches.. Same amount of offensive coordinators.. He finally flourish under a good coach.. Hes like a experience driver with a weaker car. But he knows the course better. Can finish the race with a cooler head. He never got the respect either. Here comes kapp. Yes.. He can run. He can throw it 70 yds.. He surprised a lot of people last year. But the teams defense did most of the work. They r saying he has less to work with this year. Lets not forget.. He wasnt using Vernon Davis that much last year. He got connection with Westbrook. This year. He had to go to Davis cause westbrrok is hurt. On spec. Our wide receiver arent the best. But hes not reading coverage well at all. We won a lot of games off weak teams. But lose to most teams with better record. Seattle is better than us. Lets not even pretend they r not. Most of the games this year.. The defense got us a lot of points. The 2 TD he threw was after defense got us in the red zone. He couldnt do it. I watched him looking like a deer looking at head lights. Made me sad. Jim harbach traded alex smith. Made him a starter with no experience quality back up. Not saying hes not the future. He is just not the present. I hope to god Im wrong. But at his age and this stage of his young career. Hes not even giving that aura as a leader. It will be a long time coming before hes a drew brees. If ever. He looked sooooooo lost. Hes hesitating even when he can run. Which is the strength everyone loves about him. He cant read defense well. Didnt realize there was no time out left. After over a season as a starter... He shouldnt be wearing a playbook wristband to remember plays. Can anyone ever remember Montana, young, Garcia, wear one?
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 07:03:14 +0000

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