Sorry if my rant is a little long. But the popular and lame stream - TopicsExpress


Sorry if my rant is a little long. But the popular and lame stream press are not talking about why Bohner couldnt wait until January to hammer a good CR/ohmnibus bill. Two major reasons why Bohner couldnt wait: immigration and Obamacare. As in the game of chess, Boehners out maneuvered the new house (and American voters) by passing the CR/omnibus bill last month. This passage effectively removes 10 months (out of a short two year term for a congressmen) in which the House could have early on hammered out good spending bills, defund Obamacare, reduce regulation, removing immigration money etc. This is all on John Boehners shoulder, not Obamas. The next time the spending bill comes up will be late September 2015. This gives the liberal press and their liberal allies (ie: Mitch McConell & John Bohner) time to bash the conservatives in House. The time that was wasted (full 10 months), where they could have been hailing their achievements in what could have been sensible legislation. I nstead they are now (in September) trying to campaign for re-election AND concentrate on a new CR/ohmnibus bill where immigration and Obamacare will be even harder to remove. Again, this is all on John Boehner. Should the conservatives pass a good spending bill this September reducing govt debt, a year is not enough time for the full effect to kick in before the next election. Meanwhile the liberal mantra in the followup to 2016 elections is to convince voters that cutting any govt spending is akin to the great never ending wailing of global warming scare going on now. And that the evil conservatives should be voted out in 2016. Remember chess? Boehners brilliant chess move of removing 10 months of constructive and responsible spending bills back in December now makes the republican house look more extreme for the next Ohmnibus Bill in August/September. Thus making them look less palatable for re-election in 2016. Perhaps some of the republicans house members (up for re- election) will more willing to cower to liberal tendencies and pass spend friendly bills just to keep their seats. We can accuse Boehner of not having a backbone. We cant accuse him of being stupid. See the article about the Boehner, the bully. washingtontimes/news/2015/jan/10/rusty-humphries-liberal-bully-week-speaker-john-bo/
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 16:51:09 +0000

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