Sorry its been a while but this is installment five of the - TopicsExpress


Sorry its been a while but this is installment five of the dream: Brien, Matt, and I all sat on our rides. Matt and I on our ponytas and Brien on his rapidash. Hitmonlee was slowly running on voltorb keeping it moving slightly. So we all ready? Houndoom will run along ahead slightly to make sure nothing is there, if we get lucky and no one gets in the way itll only be a few hours ride. But boys if something does happen I want me and my poke to take care of it alright? Weve been in plenty of fights and there isnt much that we cant beat. If things go as planned well split up at the fork at the end of the trail. Matt and I will go west to the capital while Devin will go east to a small town. Once there Devin go to the inn and ask for Master Kayden. Now if anything should happen to me you both will still go as I said, but Matt you must ask for general Ian, imform him of what happened and begin your training. Everyone ready now? Good lets go. We set off down the trail. It wasnt much of a trail, just a small path only big enough for two of us to ride next to each other, Brien took point with the dotrio carrying supplies next to him, Matt and I riding behind, and Hitmonlee behind us. We rode like this for an hour, we chatted slightly but not too much. After the hour of peace had past I began to smell burning again, and once more the snow like ash fell from the sky. Brien kicked up the speed slightly when we heard a screech not far off from where we were. Another half hour pasted before I first noticed the pink thing slipping between the trees fast as the wind to our left, and another five minutes to notice the black and purple thing to our left. No one else seemed to notice it however, that is but eevee. He hissed slightly out of the left side of my hoodie, Pon also seemed to notice after a few more minutes and snorted, the snort alerted tails, and tails snorted too alerting Brien. Brien looked to either side and then looked back at Matt and I. I nodded to show Ive seen them too, Matt on the other hand hadnt yet. But after five minutes and a scream from only slightly ahead, had passed, we were all on edge and ready for something to burst out at them. Brien had kicked them into a gallop now. The black and purple thing from the left had disappeared while the pink thing had come closer from the right. Matts Growlithes head stuck out from his red hoodie, and it also watched the pink being. We galloped on about ten to twenty more minutes before Brien pulled us to a stop. I was about to ask why but he raised a hand for me not to speak. He got down and quietly walked forward. His Houndoom had come back around to us and held something in its mouth. From what I saw it was a fabric. Brien quickly took it from it and stuffed it in his pocket, with a shake of his head he told houndoom to stick with us and remounted, once again we moved out. For the next hour we didnt stop once, but that didnt mean we didnt have a few shocks. The first one was when we first started noticing the dead trees on either side of the path, the next was when we saw an all black rattata run by us, going in the opposite direction, and the third and final is when we reached the fork in the road where we were to split up. There was probably the worst of all. Matt and I were confused at first as another hour of riding was sent to a halt. Brien held a hand up for us not to talk, but the thing that got me was that his hand shook. Dotrio clawed at the ground for a moment, clearly skittish. And not a moment later, was it sent flying backwards, it flew upside down over Matt and Hitmonlee, handing on its back. I could hear two loud snaps when it hit the ground and one small whimpering noise. Brien looked back at us, his eyes wide. Boys, youre going to kick your ponytas in high gear and get out of her as fast as possible. Me, Hitmonlee, rasp, and volt will hold it off. Just go as fast as you can. And remember what I told you. We nodded as he got off Rasp. And stood tall. Hitmonlee walked between us and Voltorb rolled by us. Go Now! Brien yelled as Voltorb was sent rolling backwards, but this time over our head, and with black smoke following. Matt looked at me, his face grim, he nodded at me and took off. I was quick to follow. But what I saw made me want to stop, turn, and go lay down in the clearing, and never get up. But I couldnt, instead I had to continue to ride, and ride right past that awful happening I did. What I saw was a horrifying sight, a dark figure stood over Briens houndoom, it laid on the ground, black smoke rising up from its body, its eyes open and pure white. The creature was watching Matt ride by it on the other side of it. But as if my gasp was a gunshot its head snapped towards me at the sound. And what I saw sent chills to my bones, and made me kicked Pon into overdrive so we could fly out of there. Because what I saw, was a black and purple, dark Mewtwos eyes looking into my soul. -Devilsoup
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 03:27:18 +0000

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