Sorry things have been a little quiet on here lately but Somerset - TopicsExpress


Sorry things have been a little quiet on here lately but Somerset Sabs have been busying themselves far and wide across what was the somerset badger cull zone to check on the stripeys and ensure there is no litter left lying around in dark corners. We have had mixed results, some setts that were active just a few short months ago now seem deserted and latrine sites lie empty, whilst others are doing very well despite sadly, suffering the loss of one or more residents that we are aware of. But the little guys and girls do like to move around so we will be visiting regularly and if anyone has any information or concerns about a particular sett do not hesitate to contact us and we will prioritise a visit. Remember, of course the Somerset Badger Group, are always the first contact for advice on badger issues, although not affiliated with us in any way we have huge respect for them and their work protecting badgers and educating people about all things Stripey . The importance of sett checking was highlighted recently when information came to us regarding interference of a sett by the West Somerset Hunt, at Kitrow Lane, Carhampton, made infamous during the badger cull last year. Two terriermen were seen leaving a copse with dirty spades, looking for mushrooms apparently. West Somerset has never been known for its truffles as far as we are aware so off went an intrepid sab or two to investigate, and on finding copses surrounded and hounds being drawn through them, did indeed find setts had been blocked. With hounds, along with the farmers wife, barking excitedly and riders looking rather dumbfounded, they didnt seem to want to hang around , not surprising really, the weather wasnt very good and the poor little kids on their equally little ponies were probably getting rather cold and damp stood around waiting for a chase that just was not going to happen today. The hunt were followed to their next site of interest , thankfully no setts had been blocked here, but resting deer were driven out and a pet cat looked absolutely terrified and in the midst of this terror a little friend was seeking cover, citronella was liberally dispensed and the hounds and terriermen did not enter. It seemed the hunt didnt have alot of stamina on this day, riders quickly dispersed and the terriermen looked more interested in killing sandwiches than animals. With dastardly plans clearly thwarted from the off the day ended with the smiles on the right faces. No, it isnt YOUR garden Farmer John, it is all of ours, and the vast majority of people do not like what goes on in it. Welcome to the modern age where tearing animals apart is just not acceptable. And yes, the incident has been reported to the police and we have heard the area was viewed by a very interested Police Officer who had the decency to research the Badger Protection Act and the Hunting Act and is now clear on what is, and what isnt legal, and went away certain that the activities undertaken by the hunt yesterday were definitely illegal. If only all such responses to wildlife crime involving hunts were so well dealt with.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 18:44:41 +0000

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