Sorry this is a long post, but there is so much I have to say - TopicsExpress


Sorry this is a long post, but there is so much I have to say about our day in London. Well, what can I say? Humbled, honoured and nearly arrested! It was beautiful to meet up with old friends, greeted as long lost family by new friends and to top it off, I met the most incredible and inspirational lady, Margaret Davis, who came all the way from Spain to join us. It was a moderately successful day with some families being welcomed by embassies who were very honourable in listening to our grievances, concerns and demands, namely the Greek, Turkish, Thai and Philippine embassies; their kindness has shown up the discourteous, rude and arrogant behaviour of the others, especially the German and French Embassies together with the Jamaican High Commission. You have been shown up, disgraced yourselves and shamed your countrymen, just like our own FCO. Lee-Antony Harris certainly must take man of the match award for his dulcet-toned eloquent rendition of the classic what do we want? (his stamina must have been fueled by cider) An enormous and rapturous round of applause for Julie and Les for organising this spectacular and highly effective event, which drew so much attention from the public, whose faces told their own stories of disbelief and horror at the realisation of what our country does to destroy those already broken by the trauma we have all suffered. Sue Jones, you would be so proud of Judith in her TV interview, the passion and love shone through (see the pics). I swear Kirstys picture began to smirk the more she spoke (Peters did too). Michael, your achievement this day was spectacular and I am convinced that your meeting with the Greeks helped to open the doors to the other embassies as word spread around. Your mum will be so proud of you, as we all are. To everyone who took time from your valuable schedules to be there and those who were with us in true spirit, you are the dedicated ones, the passionate ones who refuse to sit back and expect the world to do all the work. I salute you all. Now for the disheartening events that made me so angry. The bleddy French Embassy. They are, to coin Less words scum, pure scum, they have shown their true colours this day and its not the red white and blue, it is the black, shit-brown and YELLOW, they are cowards, babies and imbeciles without a care for anyone except themselves. The cliche of them being rude is an understatement, they spit in the faces of people who once took their country to heart, covering up the evil that lies within is boundaries. Secondly, the dirty disgusting German embassy. Shame on you you war-crazy egotistical bastards. Without the fight of his mother, Maries son, Lee would not have had justice and you repay her by rubbing salt into her deep wounds by openly showing unrelenting mercy to Lees murderers, bestowing kindness on them whilst spitting in his mothers face. You too are scum, pure and simple. You did not even show one ounce of human decency by allowing Marie a minute of your time, you have been shamed by those embassies who showed they care. Finally, the Jamaican High Commission, you are pitiful, arrogant and rude, and should not be allowed to even be part of our great Commonwealth. A beautiful man, Anthony Budal, holding both Jamaican and British citizenship was brutally murdered on Jamaica and you have covered up the most heinous corruption preventing justice for his family, a family who have paid their part in your economy for many years. I would like to thank The London Bus Co for providing the transport and allowing our banners to be plastered all over the bus and for putting up with us all day. Thank you everyone for making a most remarkable day, a day that will forever stay in my memory
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 10:46:35 +0000

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