Sorry this is going to be long, please bear with me :) Does - TopicsExpress


Sorry this is going to be long, please bear with me :) Does anyone else have a child battling chronic constipation/stool withholding on purpose...? My son is almost 2.5 and one day out of the blue like half a year ago I noticed he had not pooped in 4 days, he ended up with an impacted bowel and had a very traumatizing experience with enemas and suppositories in the hospital. Since then he holds in his stool on purpose I believe. He had an impacted bowel again last week when he was staying over night in the hospital a few nights for other reasons, and ended up with an enema again but it was it was a much better experience at least (better nurse did it). but I know he is holding it in. He would rather not poop and its a huge ordeal. Hes been on laxatives since the first impaction and now hes on even more. 17 grams of PEG (like lax-a-day or miralax) and 20 mls of lactulose. And his poop is soft when he does go so I know its working but he still holds it in. He should be going every day on these doses. I desperately want to stay sway from motility laxatives like senna and movital because those are the ones that you can become dependent on, and want to stick with the safe osmotic laxatives that hes on. He drinks prune juice, eats tons of fruit, we have eliminated dairy, he takes probiotics... I dont know what else to do. Its very scary and painful for him when he becomes impacted and I dont want him to rely on enemas either. Any ideas on this behavior? We have tried everything from rewards, positive reinforcement, to not making a big deal of it at all... Ive spent hours and hours googling. Help please!!!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 04:47:14 +0000

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