Sorry this is starting to bother me on several levels: Watched - TopicsExpress


Sorry this is starting to bother me on several levels: Watched a little bit of cable news last night to see what what was being said about the UCSB tragedy. CNN - a good discussion of the events and potential opportunities to change laws surrounding how we should approach mental health. Interviews with psychologists and the victims. Conversation with law enforcement about how current laws prevent anything from being done ahead of time (even after they visited him). Also a discussion on how this isnt about gun control. MSNBC - a discussion about how kids are being taught to treat each other, especially women. Also discussion of the restraints our current mental health system and laws put upon a family to do something about it once their kid is older than 18. FOX - This imagined assumption, will the Democrats use this as an opportunity to push gun control legislation?. And my other favorite, having more guns could have prevented this. I think you see the disconnect Im seeing. FOX has created an alternative universe that unfortunately a majority of America believes is real. Who is talking about taking away guns? That has nothing to do with this tragedy. This was a revenge killing that would have happened with or without guns. Maybe the problem isnt Washington and politicians, but maybe the problem is FOX News and other media organizations like it that arent participating in reality. *side note, the continuous mention of Aspergers as a contributing cause is really starting to piss me off. I can think of a dozens other things that this kid wasnt dealing with properly, heres a few....being a rich entitled punk, having a small man complex, thinking women are objects, being an jerk, being taught that violence is a solution, thinking a nice car means women should swoon over you, thinking his happiness depends on having women etc. Not fair to use aspergers as an scape goat. I feel better now.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 19:23:44 +0000

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