Sorry to come late to this site, I have always been a yes voter - TopicsExpress


Sorry to come late to this site, I have always been a yes voter and always will be but, I cant believe when I look back that we let them get away with things for so long, I have read most of the articles I see about yes (never saw a no one with a cogent argument) but for some reason I hadnt picked up on the figures from 1979(sorry before my time), so let me get this right we already voted yes for independence and they sneaked through a back door and cheated by saying we couldnt do it because we didnt have 40% of the electorate vote. I am not going to start on anything oil related because there is no need. We know about whats out there that has been covered. We know that the figures are used selectively by their media, and we know they will do anything to stop us voting the way we all know with our hearts and our heads we should be voting so why are people so scared about what might happen. I have a few friends that I have seen on facebook saying that they are voting no because of financial insecurity, my answer to that is what financial security do you see coming from remaining in the UK given the recent track record. There is the mention of the £Sterling, Again this has been covered many times with many options, currency union, using the pound anyway, creating our Scottish pound and pegging it to £Sterling (which being realistic if you try spending a Scottish (or Northern Irish £ Note) in England it might as well be a foreign currency anyway). Also the NHS their have been many arguments around this specially around the differences between NHS Scotland and the rest of the UK, usually around funding etc. For every point that is close to someones heart there is an argument, but what it boils down to is what does your heart tell you. Do you want to tell your kids/grandkids you voted no because you didnt like Alex Salmond or that you didnt believe that we as a nation who have provided so much to the world through our inventors, economists and poets etc that you really thought we couldnt do it on our own and better than what we have been handed recently, then good luck to you. For me it will always be a Yes Vote and I hope you join me.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:25:36 +0000

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