Sorry to keep you all waiting for todays Top 10. But Ive have just - TopicsExpress


Sorry to keep you all waiting for todays Top 10. But Ive have just finished watching The Lego Movie, which I bought today. This movie was...for lack of a better word...awesome! The animations spectacular, the humor is funny, the story is completely original, and the voice cast that includes Chris Pratt, Will Ferrell, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Liam Neeson and Morgan Freeman are excellent in the film. Also, The Lego Movie is the most spectacular animated movie in film history. No, Im not saying The Lego Movie is my favorite animated movie of all time. The Lion King and many other Disney films remain on the top spot. Im just saying that Ive never seen that kind of animation in a film before. Okay, Ive quickly went over how awesome The Lego Movie is. Lets get right to the Top 10 Favorite Movies That Were Adapted from TV Shows. Now keep in mind, youre probably gonna see a lot of animated movies on this list, some you might have even forgotten or may find weird. But its my picks, so I have no problem showing them. 10 - Scooby-Doo (2002) Fun fact: This movie was actually filmed right here in the Gold Coast, as well as some parts of Brisbane, like the airport. Thats a big reason to still enjoy this film. More reasons I still love this film include the story, the comedy, the supernatural elements, and the actors performances as the beloved characters from the classic cartoon. Familiar faces like Matthew Lillard, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Rowan Atkinson and Isla Fisher join in this mix of scares and laughs, and, in my opinion, this is one of the best live-action adaptions of a cartoon Ive seen. Also, this movie was the second film Ive ever seen in a movie theatre. 9 - Thunderbirds (2004) A lot of you probably dont know that the famous UK puppet-on-a-string TV series was actually made into a live-action movie. Instead of using puppets, theyre using real actors. All of them, including Bill Paxton and Ben Kingsley, really fit the characters, and I extremely love the live-action designs of the Thunderbird vehicles themselves. Those designs, as well as the characters and a genius story, really make me enjoy this film despite what all the critics say. Looking back, I sort of wished I couldve seen this in theatres, but what the hell? It was not popular at the box office, but I dont care. I love this film, and I highly recommend it to you. 8 - The Powerpuff Girls Movie (2002) Surprised? I am as well, sort of, but I really love this animated adaption of that classic Cartoon Network show, and the show I considered my favorite of all the Cartoon Network shows (alongside Star Wars: The Clone Wars). When I was a kid, I really, and I mean really, wanted to see this movie in theatres. Every day, I would say to you, Mom, I wanna see this movie! I wanna see this movie!, and youd be like, No. Watching this film again really brings out the love I had for these three powerful little girls saving the world before bedtime. I love the story, I love the characters, I love their voice actors, I love the action. This movies just downright terrific, and still is terrific today. 7 - Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (2000) Another movie that goes alongside the #8 pick as one of my favorite movie adaptions of a cartoon. Last year, I became nostalgic for all the classic animated shows Ive watched on Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon, so nostalgic that I put this film on my Christmas List. I got it for Christmas, and let me tell you, it was worth it. This is just one of those movie adaptions of those animated shows where you can actually see real emotion from the characters, and that always makes me think, Whoa. Im really feeling for those characters that I was supposed to laugh and smile at. With incredible animation and a good voice cast that includes Susan Sarandon and John Lithgow, Rugrats in Paris: The Movie is one of few non-Disney movies that warms my heart. 6 - The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004) Another Nickelodeon Movie on the list, and another I was so desperate to see in theatres but you never took me, Mom. This is actually a very well-written and well-developed adaption of a television series. Not only is it animated, but there are some scenes in live-action as well, with the animated characters interacting with the live-action world and the live actors. Also, the scope of this movie is big, sort of like all the blockbusters like Marvel, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, etc. With spectacular animation, a great story, and a great voice cast that brings in Scarlett Johansson and Alec Baldwin into the mix, The SpongeBob SquarePants movie remains a fun trip into the sea. Note: This movies actually having a sequel out next year. Is it okay if I see it, Mom, either by Cineplex or DVD? 5 - Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie (1997) Finally, the first film based on a live-action TV show, and one of my favorite TV shows of all time. In this film, Mr. Bean goes to America, and is entrusted to unveil the priceless painting Whistlers Mother, which has been bought by an American art gallery to return the greatest American painting to the United States. Rowan Atkinson is funny as always as Bean, and he also ups his performance by making his character somebody you actually feel for. I especially love the scene where Bean is unexpectedly called to give a speech about the painting with countless journalists and reporters watching, and Bean manages to give a sentimental and deep monologue about the painting. That monologue is also one of few times where you hear Bean actually speak. He speaks a lot in this film than in the TV show. Even with all the films heart, the comedy of the show remains intact, making this movie Mr. Beans finest. 4 - The Transformers series (2007-present) As many of you know, Ive talked about this film series many times in my previous posts and even reviewed the fourth film. So Im not gonna talk much about it. Im just gonna say this. The actions explosive, the stories are fun, the actors are good, the visual designs of the Autobots and Decepticons are mind-blowing, and every single action sequence in this series is all-out awesome. 3 - South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (1999) I shouldve put this movie as a guilty pleasure since a lot of you, including you, Mom, extremely hate this profane-filled animated show and the movie it was made from. But this movie was praised by many critics and other audiences the world over, and it even got nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song. Because of those positive aspects, I didnt put this film on the guilty pleasures list. While I myself do not like the non-stop profanity as you all do (and Im not even watching the show itself, or even wanting to), I simply cannot totally dislike this movie because of its story, its satires, its references to Disney and other famous musicals, its songs, and especially its animation. The animation is my most liked-aspect of the film, and so is the cameo appearances by George Clooney and Eric Idle, and the score by Marc Shaiman, composer of such hits as A Few Good Men and Hairspray. 2 - Get Smart (2008) One of the most perfect adaptions of a TV series I have ever seen, this movie combines comedy and action very perfectly. Steve Carell is a huge and wonderful fit for Maxwell Smart; I really feel like Carell truly owns the role and captures the tone of Don Adams portrayal very perfectly. Anne Hathaway, Dwayne Johnson and Alan Arkin are also perfect as their characters. The action is fun, the comedy is funny as hell,, theres nothing else to say. Thats enough to like this laugh-out-loud action-comedy. 1 - The Simpsons Movie (2007) The Simpsons is one of the best TV shows ever, but it was extremely difficult to make a film adaption. Development began in 2001, and lasted until it finally began production in 2006, and was released on 2007. In my opinion, The Simpsons Movie was a global phenomenon, and one of the best non-Disney animated films Ive ever seen. In this movie, Homer Simpson must save his family and eventually the whole town of Springfield from a catastrophe Homer himself created. As with the case of picks #6 and #3, this movies scope is extremely big and epic. The story is excellent, the humor is hilarious, and this is one of the few times where you feel the emotions from the characters, and I mean actually feel them. Since this is a film, it allowed more time for emotional and sentimental scenes, and even some may even make you cry. The whole cast from the show return to reprise all their characters from the show, and they are wonderful as always. With all those positive aspects, The Simpsons Movie remains one of my personal favorite animated films, and its no wonder to me that I put it at #1. Do you agree with this list? What pick of mine do you think deserved to be on the list the most? Post a comment if you want to answer, and I really hope youve enjoyed seeing your idea come to life expertly by me, Mom.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 08:03:07 +0000

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