Sort of curious. I think over time online education is going to - TopicsExpress


Sort of curious. I think over time online education is going to lose much of its stigma. The main problem being that theres a perception (probably with considerable reality) that an online degree didnt involve as much work as a degree at an actual university. Not to mention that some online schools actually cost a lot more than an actual university. But logically, I can think of many, many instances where an online class would have taught me just as much as an actual bricks and mortar classroom. You do miss out on a lot, though. But really, is that worth the tremendous difference in price? Just curious. I think this is one of those things where I really dont have much of an opinion. (I used to, but these days, this field is in such flux that I really dont have enough of a grasp to form a strong opinion either way.) With MBAs, even when I worked in a stodgy old-industry company, where you got your degree was of minimal importance, and there were more than a few high ranking executives who got MBAs from local unaccredited clown colleges. What was important was the work they did. Where they got their MBA was exactly 0% of the decision to promote and advance these people. Has it really gotten to the point where credentialism is all we really care about? We honestly dont care where a person got a Masters of Education if they can check the box? And at that point, should we be making them get one at all? Should we even bother to go through the expense to send our kids off to college if an online degree would be just as good? Does a university offer an real value, then? I think it does, but over time, Im not sure that society agrees. At that point, I just have to wonder if Im just a crusty old man with antiquated notions. (And if anybody should embrace online education, it should be me. Getting degrees in classrooms was an experience I can only relate to a prolonged whole-body waxing. It took me forever to ever graduate from anywhere.) education-portal/cm/Best_Graduate_Degrees_to_Earn_Online.html?src=ob&tid=32&cpn=18&clickid=81
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 15:17:42 +0000

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