Soul Excavation You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You - TopicsExpress


Soul Excavation You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Psalm 139:1-3 Our soul excavation is like soil excavation in a well tilled garden. The hard dirt of hurt is turned over and exposed, the weeds of worry are removed, the good seeds of grace are planted and the fruit of faithfulness is harvested. An un-excavated soul becomes overgrown with the cares of this world, weary and confused without the care of our heavenly Father. Soul excavation is not always easy but necessary for wholeness in Christ. The Spirit searches out the soul’s deep needs. Do you have a fond childhood memory when all was well with your soul? Maybe sitting in a grandparent’s lap while they told you a story or skipping a rock across the surface of a glassy pond. Soul delight: camping out, lounging quietly by a fireplace while reading or walking through a meadow dreaming about what might be one day. Our soul comes alive when engaged in safe, secure environments. We long for those scenes of serenity and feelings of security. Just as our soul delighted in special childhood days, so we need to expose it to similar joyful experiences today. “Let them be restored as in the days of their youth” (Job 33:25). Do you have a foul childhood memory when your soul was unsettled? Maybe a tragedy ripped your family apart. Anger spewed between your parents and you even felt some guilt for their relational fallout. You were afraid. Your soul searched for security. A child is to be protected and defended, but you had to defend yourself. A soul scarred by emotional upheaval needs extra grace and love. You may have experienced a verbal beat down by a person in authority. Whatever soul abuse you have received in the past requires your heavenly Father’s sweet love and acceptance. Soul excavation is complex, so working through past pain often requires the help of a trained counselor. Above all, Almighty God is in the soul saving business. Not just deliverance from hell after death, but deliverance from hellish experiences on earth. Glory hallelujah, where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. Our soul longs for wholeness in the Lord. Only our Creator can mend His creation’s cracked soul. So we pray, ask the Holy Spirit to lead us into authentic forgiveness of those who have hurt us. We also receive Christ’s forgiveness for our hurtful acts. An un-excavated soul buries emotions, but an excavated soul digs up dirt and is cleansed. “They have been cleansed from their past sins” (2 Peter 1:9). Prayer: Heavenly Father, I invite Your Spirit to search my soul, bringing it into wholeness with You. Related Readings: Psalm 44:21; Lamentations 3:20; Romans 8:27; 1 Peter 2:25; 3 John 1:2
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:26:02 +0000

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