Soul Family Lately Ive been sharing a lot more of myself here, - TopicsExpress


Soul Family Lately Ive been sharing a lot more of myself here, along with any new insights that I learn as I continue to tramp my perpetual Journey ;-) This morning I woke up with a beautiful awareness that Id like to share as I again feel the need to modify my own vocabulary & behavior. The subject of Soul Family or Soul Brother/Sister has been something Ive been using a LOT when I share pictures and/or stories, and I have been noticing that it can cause the illusion of specialness or separateness, in particular when I am not always calling everyOne that. The ultimate Truth is that we are all ONE big family, and we are ALL connected... like the Native Americans say, We are all relations :-) I want to give my sincerest apologies if these terms I have been using quite loosely & subjectively have affected any of you, especially those of you that are in my immediate blood family or those of you that I have been friends with for a long time. My intention has never been to take away the importance nor value of our own connections. Ultimately, we are all mirrors for each other, and the more Love & acceptance we have for ourselves, the more we will have it for others. I tend to enjoy sharing intimacy with everyone, to the deepest level possible. I understand that the more people I connect with, the more I will see different aspects of myself reflected back to me. Also, the more people I come in contact with, the more I can be of SERVICE :-) Last nights meditation included a wonderful eye gazing exercise where you go deep into another persons stare, transcending the physical, any judgements, or any separation... You basically connect Soul 2 Soul. How beautiful it would be if we remembered to be Present enough with each other to do that all the time: What a Gift! It would change the World, it would bring World Peace. My so-called goal is to see only God everywhere, all the time... I wont stop until I reach that state (and Im a VERY determined woman). This means that I have been constantly chiseling and peeling away at all those shadowy parts of me that have been holding onto anything that would keep me away from unification. It is sometimes difficult to see ourselves, to catch our patterns... This is why we have each other. No one person is better nor worse than another. We are essentially EQUAL. We are uniquely & individually expressing ourselves here based on the amount of awareness we have towards our own Divine essence. Therefore, we have been perfectly placed in each others lives to show each other where we are at. Some mirror to us our grandness, Love & beauty, others show us where we may still be holding onto pain, judgement and fear. Some show us both. Please, dont shoot the messenger, Lol~ Gratitude for all those that bring us discomfort will help us resolve the issue within ourselves, forgive it, and let it GO. If we dont take responsibility for our pain & reactions, we will be crashing through that uncomfortable contrast with others until we get it. If we cannot face ourselves, we will continue to suffer and live in that lonely sense of duality, in the fear of abandonment and the pain of loss. More and more I am opening up to the idea of living in an intentional community where my neighbors real-eyes we ARE family, and consciously participate in mutual Spiritual growth. Because of this, I am already attracting that into my life, and am very grateful for it. Our intentional thoughts make mountains MOVE! We are that powerful. The more I Love myself, the more I can Love you... The more I see myself, the more I will see myself in you. I honor myself, therefore I honor you. NAMASTE & Happy Hump Day O:) 1
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:40:28 +0000

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