Soul Mates & Twin Flames by Jennith Lynn I post here a document - TopicsExpress


Soul Mates & Twin Flames by Jennith Lynn I post here a document of Jennith Lynn - it is so well written and explains so very well about soul mates and TWIN flames, Soulmates are souls from your soul family with whom you have shared previous lifetimes/karma/soul contracts to further your souls development. They are the people who teach you the most important lessons in life. Significant others, parents, grandparents, children, close friends, and sometimes even enemies. We all have many soulmates. Twin Flames are the other half of your soul for lack of a better description. Souls with the exact same energy as you, split into masculine and feminine counterparts. They are essentially YOU in another body. Everyone whom we meet is a mirror to us in some way, but Twins mirror us back to ourselves in EVERY way. You only have ONE twin flame. The reason a Twin relationship may seem co-dependent at times is because the energy between the two twins is SO very intense and is unlike anything people have experienced before. It can seem similar to a soulmate connection at first but it is quite a bit different if you have been involved with a soulmate and are able to discern the difference. Because the energy that Twins share is so intense, people do not know how to handle it at first, or even over many months and years. Its an irresistible pull, you want to be with that person no matter how terrible they may be to you. The reason this happens is because they ARE mirroring everything back to you that you need to work on for yourself whether you like it or not. Many times, peoples egos will tell them they dont have any work to do, that its their twin who needs to grow, but you can be assured that your twin will show you exactly what you need to work on without fail. If you dont know what the Cosmic Mirror is, you should look into that. Twins are magnetized to one another due to their energy frequencies being an exact match. Its not someone who you can just move on from, you have to learn how to LET GO which is completely different from forgetting about them and going on with your life. To let go means loving them unconditionally whether they are with you or not, whether you like what they are doing or not. No control, only love. A twin flame relationship can not be defined by any terms that we have known here on Earth; if you try to treat it as you have all past relationships, you will find very quickly that it cant be done. Most relationships, past and current, have been based upon control of one or both persons and true co-dependence, where one can not exist without the support of the other. Twins can and do join in a romantic partnership, but the relationship can only thrive in that way if it is a TRUE partnership, where each twin is complete and whole in themselves without any dependency on the other. The importance of twin relationships is for us to learn to BE simply be happy, whether together or not (we are never truly separated, separation is an illusion), and to radiate love into the world around you, affecting all with the force of your merged energies. Its like taking two candles and combining them...they each shine brightly on their own, but when put together, their light grows exponentially. However, to get to that place where you can be with your twin in a romantic way, you must confront your ego and work out ALL past internal issues, thoughts, and beliefs that do not serve your greater good (also humanitys greater good) and your souls growth. These are from past trauma (this life and past lifetimes) and ideals you were raised to believe about yourself and others (ie. religious beliefs, societal beliefs, beliefs about roles in a relationship, beliefs about the nature of good and bad)...the list goes on and on. You also have to give up ALL CONTROL over the relationship to the Universe. The Universe and your higher self/selves are what orchestrate your reunion with your twin; if you try to force things to go your way in your time, you will find that it doesnt work out so well, because Divine Timing is at work and always has the last word. The key is to focus on YOU...working out ALL of YOUR issues, loving YOURSELF, loving OTHERS, being HAPPY in your life for yourself with or without them, and loving your TWIN unconditionally, even if there is no contact and its only through your connection (I hate to say only because the connection twins share is very, VERY important and they feel whatever you send to them through it, be it love or criticism, anger, etc.) Twin Flame relationships are a beautiful tool for spiritual transformation...I am ever grateful for my twin for showing me everything I needed to see to grow and evolve, and I tell him this often. In the few years since Ive met him I have changed tremendously in many positive ways because of his presence in my life, even though we have not met in person yet, and because of this, my light has also increased tremendously and spread out to affect many other people even before our reunion. I am excited to see how many people we can shine our light upon when we DO reunite, which is happening in the very near future. You can be assured that if you are upset with your twin for any reason, it is the Cosmic Mirror at work showing you something within yourself that you need to work on. Awareness and honesty with SELF is imperative here. The more work you do on yourself and the more you release all perceived need for control, the less upset you experience from the relationship, until finally, nothing remains but love. © Jennith Lynn Burgess
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 21:43:54 +0000

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