Soulmatie Boarded by Intruders/Robbed! SV Soulmatie has spent the - TopicsExpress


Soulmatie Boarded by Intruders/Robbed! SV Soulmatie has spent the past 2.5 months anchored in Prickly Bay, Grenada. We have left for short excursions to explore surrounding bays but have always returned, anchoring within feet of our original spot. Boats anchored nearby have called this part of the bay home for months/years and welcomed us. We have felt safe here; a great anchorage, with great neighbors. So … it is with deep disappointment we must report this news. On Sunday, October 6, 2013 SV Soulmatie was anchored off Calabash Beach, in Prickly Bay, Grenada. We (Larry & Tracy Lambert) left our vessel (via dinghy) at approximately 1:45pm and headed to Prickly Bay Marina to join fellow cruisers in a game of Dominos. The vessel was secure; all hatches, ports, and companionway entries locked. Nobody was told where we were going or how long we’d be gone. Sometime between 1:45pm and 4:30pm, Soulmatie was boarded. Our forward companionway was forced open. The teak trim was chiseled and damaged to obtain access to the metal locking bar. The metal was bent until the secured door opened freely. An unknown number of intruders entered our vessel … our home. We returned to Soulmatie around 4:30pm when we discovered the crime. Cash and electronics valued around $2K - $3K were missing. This included two Kindles/chargers/leather cases, Canon underwater camera/case/memory cards, IPOD/IPOD speakers, and various other items … but most importantly, two Acer notebook computers. For those of you who have read our blog or e-books, you know these computers are barely 3-months old … purchased during our time in St. Thomas. These computers are our livelihood. We are documenting our cruising adventures and all our financial data, files, research, etc were on those computers. Our life was documented on those computers. Also, we were both near completion of our next fiction novels. All data was backed up between the two computers. We had no reason to think our computers would be stolen and naively trusted Prickly Bay, Grenada to be a safe and secure harbor. We were sadly mistaken. Our next book in our cruising series was to be “A Safe Harbor - Weathering Hurricane Season in Grenada”. All the research and prep-work is gone. Now what do we write about this beautiful island after being violated in this manner? How safe is safe? We’ve heard about a growing number of crimes over the months we’ve resided here and it is disconcerting. Although we are saddened by the events that have affected our lives the past couple of days, we consider ourselves blessed. Given the severity of some of the most recent crimes, we are grateful we were not onboard at the time of the incident and there was no violence. There were no injuries except to an intruder who left blood droplets in our cockpit. He must have injured himself trying to break open the lock. Our hearts go out to those cruisers who weren’t as fortunate as us and sadly, weren’t ashore during their criminal attacks. May God bless you in your period of healing. We will remain optimistic … from all tragedy, comes good. It is times like this that you realize how strong the sailing community is. We have had many offers of help & moral support from many cruisers … some already friends, and some who were strangers until today. Thanks to all of you. A special thanks goes out to Mark from ‘Sea Life’ and to Rescue One for all your assistance as liaison between Soulmatie, the Grenada Police, and fellow cruisers who may have witnessed the event. Your help is invaluable and very much appreciated. Thanks again! As hurricane season winds down and we head our separate ways, Soulmatie wishes everyone a safe journey. Fair winds and calm seas, Larry & Tracy Lambert SV Soulmatie
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 17:22:08 +0000

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