Sound Horse Warriors, Our work is not done. You will receive an - TopicsExpress


Sound Horse Warriors, Our work is not done. You will receive an email from TWHBEA about the poll. I hope you ignore it and respond to the sender that you are pleased that the poll was undertaken. If you have not sent in your ballot, please send it in even though TWHBEA does not want it. One issue raised is use of the TWHBEA logo. I have independently researched the law and by-laws. Officers use TWHBEA logos all the time to correspond with members. There is absolutely NO rule at TWHBEA that says they cannot use the logo unless it is for personal and commercial gain. In fact, it actually was used illegally in November for running an ad for a TWHBEA director to be elected President--and that was for political gain. TWHBEA did nothing then to change the rules despite the complaints from the sound horse folks. The sore horse folks do not like it when the rules are used against them, do they? So, keep up the good work and IF you are are a TWHBEA member, please make your voice heard that you want the ballots to count. Until the Executive Committee votes on this issue, your voice deserves to be counted.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 17:28:51 +0000

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