Sound familar? Popery Not a Religion at All A warning issued by - TopicsExpress


Sound familar? Popery Not a Religion at All A warning issued by Rev. Joseph Irons during a sermon preached in Grove Chapel, Camberwell, London, on Guy Fawkes Day 5th November 1837. Guy Fawkes was a papist conspirator who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. Rev. Joseph Irons In fact, Popery is not a religion at all; and it is a sad delusion to suppose, that a mere difference of creed is all that exists between Protestants and Papists. Popery is a political conspiracy to subjugate empires, kingdoms, thrones, and states, to one tyrant, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God (2 Thess. ii. 4). To accomplish this political purpose, his agents assume a priestly authority, and arrogate to themselves the power to save or to damn souls. Thousands of their infatuated vassals believe this, and, consequently, dare not refuse to do and say anything and everything which these vested wretches command. They wear the name of Christianity, as Satan transforms himself into an angel of light, to deceive (2 Cor. ii. 14). They are his ministers, and not Christ’s; and they are going out to deceive the nations, in order to put all people, all power, and all property—yea, and every man’s conscience and life, under their despotic sway; and will Englishmen—will Christians, submit to this monster?...
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 06:34:45 +0000

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