Source: Scot Fourowls • 10 hours ago There is a huge - TopicsExpress


Source: Scot Fourowls • 10 hours ago There is a huge difference between two types of people who have knowingly been around Ebola: (1) somebody who has been exposed to Ebola but is asymptomatic and waiting during a potential disease incubation period to see if he or she is actually infected (like the doctor who recently quarantined himself in his own home in E. Tennessee after having served actively symptomatic patients with Ebola in Africa) and (2) the missionary and the doctor with active virulent symptoms of Ebola who were imported as Ebola active-disease carriers to the U.S. through Atlanta. We only have two people so far in category (2) in the U.S. and they are here only because the U.S. government approved importing their active, symptomatic, highly infectious Ebola with them to Atlanta. Since the actual science (not the propaganda press whitewashing) is that Ebola may be both currently airborne after explosive West African outbreaks and capable of dormancy before an outbreak in the U.S. (as to which I’ve already given scientific references in comments on another Infowars Ebola article about 17 hours ago), here are the reasons Atlanta equals an Ebola entry point capable of unparalleled infectious transmission before or after a dormancy period throughout the rest of the U.S.: · Atlanta is America’s sixth largest city that is also the largest regional transportation hub by far in the American Southeast. Atlanta hosts what has for fifteen years been the world’s busiest passenger airport (e.g., approximately 260,000 passengers travel daily through Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, which has 154 domestic and 40 international gates, and more than 33,350 parking spaces; the Interstate highways going through or connecting to Atlanta are I-20, I-75, I-85, I-285, I-575 and I-675, with the I-75 going down from Atlanta into Florida and connecting with the I-10 from the East all the way to Santa Monica, CA) · Quick and easy air travel aids the spread of infectious diseases, as confirmed before and after this report from 2010, · As favored by the UN’s WHO and its cadre of scientists using modeling methodologies, the physics and interdisciplinary “mobility network” approach has since at least 2010 allowed for scientists to calculate infectious disease “transmissibility using data on the first handful of cases detected in newly affected countries” looking at the “chronology of the infection of new countries [which] is determined by two factors: the number of cases generated by the epidemic in the originating country; and the mobility of people from this country to the rest of the world,” (p. 29, “Complexity: Modelling Epidemics,” Physics World, February 2010). Atlanta and the two Ebola cases recently imported there would seemingly qualify as the first cases of Ebola in the U.S. as originating country (epidemic or not to be determined), and the Atlanta airport as the world’s busiest passenger airport would seemingly qualify as a good determination of the mobility of people from this country to the rest of the world, appearing to make the U.S. a perfect test of Ebola transmissibility using the “mobility network” the UN’s WHO favors. · Atlanta is also a likely test of epidemic-quality Ebola outbreak “mobility network” modeling based on these factors that, taken together, increase risk of epidemic outbreak over viral dormancy --- --- We can take what has been known by scientists for over 10 years about the likelihood that at least one place Ebola can hide when it’s dormant from infecting humans is in bats, e.g.,news.nationalgeographic..., and then combine that with what we know about Atlanta being one of countless American places where the “bat control” problem is big enough to require calling in professionals, e.g., georgiabatcontrol.c..., who advise Atlantans: “Bats are protected in the United States and should never be killed or harmed. Harming a bat carries severe fines and possibly jail time! … Bats are territorial and they will normally stay in your area once they have been excluded. If the building has not been properly sealed, the bats will enter another opening in the same building. Bats only need an opening that is ¼ inch by 1½ inch, the thickness of a standard number two pencil. If any of your neighbors have these conditions the bats may end up there.” --- From a treatment perspective, there is no good reason to have brought the Ebola-infected and virulently symptomatic missionary and doctor to Atlanta or any other part of the U.S. for care (when they cannot even get Ebola survivor antibody-rich blood transfusions because there’s not yet a survivor group in the U.S. as there already is in Africa where the doctor and missionary contracted Ebola and where early online reports, no longer available, indicated one or both of them received survivor blood transfusions while still in Africa). --- The missionary and doctor, apparently choosing individually to cooperate with UN’s WHO and the Obama administration’s agenda regarding the Ebola virus and Africas infected patients they willingly went to Africa to serve with full knowledge of the health risks, apparently also along with the U.S. executive branch leadership deemed it acceptable to have more than 300 million Americans potentially serve as a global Ebola “mobility network” infectious disease experiment to privilege the continent and countries and people of Africa (geographic disease source of Ebola) over the continent of North America and the country and the people of the multi-racial, multi-cultural U.S. where Ebola had never existed in humans until they brought it back here. --- There was no good reason (apparently only the “mobility network” reason) to have exposed over 300 million Americans who until last week had 100% chance of not getting Ebola in the U.S. but now are geographically exposed to what CDC admits on its website is possible airborne transmission (never unproven) of Ebola and Canadian Public Health in 2012 proved to be airborne transmission in pigs. (Ebola is transmitted trans-species to humans through the food supply of eaten animals in Africa, as well as likely by air since 2012, not only based on the 2012 Canadian science but also because it is the type of retrovirus-like filovirus to change and develop that airborne capability.) --- In November 2012, Canadian scientists including Dr. Gary Kobinger from the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada, as reported then by Matt McGrath, Science reporter, BBC World Service, shared their Ebola scientific research because they had proven that the deadliest form of the Ebola virus was being spread by airborne droplets from the respiratory tracts of pigs to monkeys without any physical contact between them. The report showed a piglet with a runny nose snuggling next to a barnyard chicken, for the obvious risk-factor implication. The scientific report stated: “The researchers say they believe that limited airborne transmission might be contributing to the spread of the disease in some parts of Africa. They are concerned that pigs might be a natural host for the lethal infection.” --- 2014 industrial pig farming practices in Georgia and the rest of the southeastern U.S. are politically fraught with issues which until this week did not even include the risk — because until this week there was no active infectious Ebola in humans inside the U.S. — that Ebola might invade pigs who’d pass the virus further inter-species by airborne transmission and/or to birds. The nature of the pig farming risk as it may relate to Ebola transmission is captured in an August 25, 2013 article by AP’s Ray Henry from the Athens [GA] Banner Herald whose reporting included: ‘ “We’ve just seen the disastrous effect of these concentrated hog facilities” in eastern North Carolina, said Mark Woodall, chair of the Georgia chapter of the Sierra Club. “We just think it’s a terrible threat to the water quality of all of rural Georgia.” ‘ ---How many industrial pig farms are there in GA and the southeast to increase the odds of spreading Ebola? Over 100 in GA alone when I last counted. Oh, and Ebola as a virus is known to have gone dormant for as long as fifteen years, before epidemic outbreak. (Source: Natural Sciences: “Facts on Ebola Virus: Human and Animal Outbreaks.”) Hence, once Ebola is in a country’s DNA so to speak, lurking in the rivers or in the pigs or in the chickens or in the migratory birds or in the bats or wherever in all the places there are for Ebola to hide, there are cycles of Ebola dormancy, then outbreak of epidemic, then more dormancy, then the horror show starts again. Ebola began in humans near the Ebola River in Africa for which the disease is named, so its etiology may obviously involve water quality and water transmission channels. --- For over ten years, scientists have known and warned about Ebola’s likely transmission via birds (and think of all the industrial chicken farms near Atlanta and in the agricultural southeast), see, e.g.,news.nationalgeographic... --- More recently on July 29, 2014 the National Geographic article on “deadly Ebola” by Karen Weintraub stated: “… it’s still in America’s interest to control the disease in West Africa ….” Oops, too late now, to our peril as Americans in the dormancy and outbreak cycles of the deadly Ebola virus. ---The CDC website warns clearly: “The natural reservoir host of ebolaviruses, and the manner in which transmission of the virus to humans occurs, remain unknown. [Even the UN’s WHO which seemingly tries to deny airborne transmission apparently admits the highly infectious hemorrhagic fever Ebola contamination routes through sweat, vomit, saliva, feces, semen, urine and/or blood.] --- Also according to the CDC, the unknown natural reservoir host of ebolaviruses, and the unknown manner in which transmission of Ebola to humans occurs, “makes risk assessment in endemic areas difficult.” CDC goes on at the website: “With the exception of several laboratory contamination cases (one in England and two in Russia), all cases of human illness or death have occurred in Africa; no case has been reported in the United States.” Obviously no case reported in the United States until now when the U.S. invited the deadly Ebola virus to come right in as if human containment procedures due to the “given” of human error are ever 100% no matter the good intentions of all involved. --- CDC examples of past outbreaks: 1976 Sudan -... Disease was spread mainly through close personal contact within hospitals. Many medical care personnel were infected. 1995 Democratic Republic of the Congo - ...Traced to index case-patient ... Epidemic spread through families and hospitals. 1996 South Africa - A medical professional traveled from Gabon to Johannesburg, South Africa, after having treated Ebola virus-infected patients and thus having been exposed to the virus. He was hospitalized, and a nurse who took care of him became infected and died. [Many more high-risk examples from CDC, public record, 5-second google search; note Johannesburg, South Africa, has a modern medical system similar to U.S., and this is further proof that adequate care for the Ebola-infected doctor and missionary now in Atlanta could have reasonably occurred on the same continent where they contracted this disease with its 90% fatality rate wherever it exists in the world. Until this week, the U.S was not one of those places, until our own government invited it in.]
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 20:13:02 +0000

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