Source: infinitheism/blog/a-student-forever/ A Student - TopicsExpress


Source: infinitheism/blog/a-student-forever/ A Student Forever! Posted by Infinitheism Admin on September 6th, 2013 and filed under Featured, Youth Even after fourteen years of formal education so many of us feel so unprepared to face life! I couldn’t help but smile as I walked out of school, after completing my last board paper. So this was it, huh? No more blue uniform, no more pigtails? It was finally time to take the world in my stride and live life the way I wanted to. Suddenly the whole world seemed new almost as though it was waiting for me to come and make my mark in it! My newfound happiness was short-lived as I heard someone remark, dolefully, “All these years of schooling, and this one exam decides our entire future!” I had heard this enough number of times and it had often made me feel like giggling. However, today the same words made me feel uneasy. That’s when I realised from school to tuitions to examinations to coaching centres to entrance exams, everything was ultimately just a preparation for this exam. Yes, the one that supposedly decides our future. After a whole year of ‘important questions’ and ‘model papers’ I should feel ‘enlightened’, shouldn’t I? And yet, absurd as it may sound this is the year that I have learnt the least! I can probably attribute my somewhat leisurely attitude towards studies to my parents. I was never extraordinarily bright in academics and yet it never bothered me because my parents never tried to make me feel ‘guilty’ about it. There was absolutely no drama at home when I was doing my twelfth grade. Relatives visited us, I watched every possible movie and there were days when I happily skimmed through Bharathiyar poems with mom. I believed education was important and yet, I also believed that exams and our marks were not the final say on our future. There is a lot more to life. There was more to me than this one exam. As I walked out of my school complex I saw a little boy standing outside in the scorching heat and distributing pamphlets for a coaching centre. He was not even wearing slippers! He had a cheerful smile on his face that seemed to say so much. From his beaming countenance I learnt that no matter what situation I am in, a smile is always possible. In those few moments, he became my teacher, my education system. Suddenly the memory of an incident I read came to my mind. He had committed suicide because he thought he would fail in his physics exam. Suddenly the false cloak of examinations fell off my shoulders. I realised formal education was a very important part of my life and I would do a little more than my best to fare well. However, equally important was the fact that I had to keep the student within me alive and keep learning from life itself. I wish somehow I could tell all my fellow friends that our future is not defined and confined by just a single exam. Life will keep teaching us, and we have to keep learning. Various people and instances around me could act as my education system and teach me something as important as the subjects in school. Fourteen years of formal education and yet so many of us feel so unprepared to face life! Yet, what was the point of blaming anyone? Like the little boy who could smile despite the harsh heat, I too had to gear myself up and become a student of life and learn all I could, from whomever I could. I can’t rely on textbooks alone. With passion and hard work, what is it that we cannot achieve? Let’s keep the curiosity burning and not just the night lamps! Let’s keep the student within us alive… not just for school exams, but for life itself. - Nandhitha Hariharan
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 09:41:45 +0000

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