South Africa election: ANC ahead as votes counted Final results - TopicsExpress


South Africa election: ANC ahead as votes counted Final results are not expected before Saturday to allow time to address any objections Why ANC will win Economic challenges We want work Born free in South Africa South Africas governing African National Congress (ANC) has taken an commanding lead in the general election, partial results show. With about 70% of the results in, the ANC has 63% of the vote followed by the Democratic Alliance on 22%. The ANC is widely expected to return to power although analysts say anything less than 60% of the vote for the party will be seen as a major upset. The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party is in third place with 5%. The electoral commission said voting passed off peacefully in most areas, with turnout at just over 72%. Some 25 million people - around half the population - were registered to vote Helen Zilles Democratic Alliance is hoping to attract a greater share of South Africas black vote The Democratic Alliance has much to celebrate. It is the only party that has consistently increased its vote-share from election to election. The party has achieved success from moving more to the centre says political analyst Ralph Matshekga. He says the DA has learnt that it must move from simply opposing anything proposed by the ANC to becoming a problem-solver. Mr Matshekga says while the EFF has emerged as another opposition party, it should be careful not to become a one-hit wonder. He warns that in parliament, it may have to tone down some of its rhetoric, but a softer approach may cost them the radical voter who wants drastic change now. Analysts agree that a stronger opposition can only be good for the countrys young democracy, hopefully teaching the ANC not to be complacent and to deliver on its long list of promises. For its part, the ANC says it is happy with its tally so far, saying the results are testimony to the partys hard work. The elections are the first since the death in December of Nelson Mandela - the countrys first black president - and mark 20 years since the end of white-minority rule. Dissatisfaction with the government has been growing over high levels of unemployment, a lack of basic services and allegations of widespread corruption. The two opposition parties are doing well so far, says the BBCs Pumza Fihlani. The newly formed EFF, led by the left-wing firebrand Julius Malema, has surprised many by securing 14 parliamentary seats, she says. The DA has increased its share of the vote from 17% in the last election to 22%, according to the latest results. Early on Thursday, DA leader Helen Zille told AFP news agency that she expected her partys final vote to be around the 23% margin. Well see how it goes. Of course, we hope it will be more. We did as much as we could, she is quoted as saying. The DA has been trying to make inroads into the black electorate - its support is mainly concentrated in the Western Cape which has a large white and mixed-race population. About 25 million registered voters - half the population Only a third of those born after 1994 have registered 29 parties contesting poll ANC defending 66% majority DA main challenger Julius Malema formed new left-wing party, EFF, last year About half the population lives on just over $2 (£1.5) a day Source: IEC; IOL news site; government Those born after the end of apartheid in 1994 were able to cast their ballots for the first time, although only a third of those entitled to do so had registered to vote. An ANC victory would return President Jacob Zuma for a second five-year term. He was dogged by allegations of corruption in the build-up to the election after an independent inquiry found he had unduly benefited from an expensive government-funded upgrade to his private residence. Speaking as he cast his vote on Wednesday, Mr Zuma said he thought the results will be very good, but added that the campaign had been very challenging. In the last election in 2009, the ANC saw a slight drop in support, polling 66% of the vote.
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 16:18:49 +0000

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