South African Communist Party Mpumalanga Province, 25 November - TopicsExpress


South African Communist Party Mpumalanga Province, 25 November 2014 Provincial Council Statement The South African Communist Party (SACP) in Mpumalanga Province held a successful Provincial Council on 22 November 2014 in Belfast. The Council was attended by 309 delegates representing four districts and the Young Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA), and was graced by the Central Committee. Cde Solly Mapaila, Second Deputy General Secretary delivered the CC’s keynote address. The YCLSA and Alliance partners the ANC, COSATU and SANCO delivered messages of support. The Communist Party of Swaziland delivered a solidarity message and briefed the Council about the situation in Swaziland. 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence The council noted with concern the challenges that women continue to face and condemned gender-based violence as an international human rights violation in strongest terms possible. The SACP in the province will continue playing an activist role in combating all forms of gender-based domination. Unite the people’s camp, neutralise our opponents and detractors, and isolate the enemy The Council noted with concern continuing attacks by imperialist agents are aimed at weakening the state of our alliance, the federation and the democratic government. Imperialists will always defend their interests in every country and will stop at nothing to destabilise revolutionary movements across the world and to seek to dislodge them from power. In SA there are interacting machinations to destabilise the country and dislodge the ANC from power. The anarchy displayed by the right-wing alliance comprising among other opposition parties the DA and the EFF is part of this machinations. The Council condemned these childish shenanigans in strongest terms possible. We commit to unite the people’s camp, neutralise our detractors and isolate the enemy. Victory against this right-wing alliance is certain! We will also scale up our fight against lumpen-tenderpreneurship which is causing havoc in our province. We reiterate the Party’s campaign to fight against corruption both in the public and private sectors including within our own movement without fear, favour or prejudice. Allegations labelled against ANC Provincial Chairperson The council notes with concern the allegations labelled against the Provincial Chairperson of the ANC Cde David Mabuza as reported in the press. We view this in a serious light. We call on the President to heed to the call for a formal inquiry to investigate these serious and damning allegations which have a potential to divide our movement and plunge our provincial government into endemic crisis. The scope of the inquiry must be expanded. On a separate score, the SACP in the province is of the view that some of the remnants of apartheid are still active and in full swing operations. Some of theirtendencies which were masterminded in collaboration with foreign agencies must be unearthed and dealt with. They were trained to be anti-communist and their daily bread is planning to liquidate the Communist Party and kill its leaders, especially in our province. Radical Second Phase of the National Democratic Revolution: Going to the root The National Democratic Revolution remains the direct route to Socialism. This makes it hard for agents of imperialism to accept ANC’s alliance with the SACP, hence they are hell-bent in seeking to destroy the Alliance. Our message to them is: “You will fail with distinction!” This phase of our revolution must rollback neoliberalism and address the challenges that are rooted in the basic structure of our economy in line with the Freedom Charter. We must simultaneously defend the progressive gains on the first two decades of our democratic breakthrough. Unity of the Alliance is sacrosanct The Council noted the developments within COSATU and expressed support for a broader Alliance intervention to restore principled and disciplined unity based on the respect for democracy and diversity of views. Swaziland The Council noted the temporary asylum status given to the Swazi political exiles that will expire in March 2015. We call on the South African government to grant the Swazi political exiles a full asylum status. We will continue to support the Communist Party of Swaziland and other revolutionary forces who are opposed to oppression and economic exploitation. We condemn the decision by Mswati’s the regime to shut down all trade union federations. The Mswati regime continues to violate human rights. Lesotho The Council commended the South African government’s intervention to restore order in Lesotho. The destabilization of Lesotho has serious consequences for South Africa given its geographic location and for the Southern African region in general. Palestine We welcome the move by the South African government to pledge $1 million towards humanitarian assistance in Gaza. We further wish to appreciate the efforts made by South African government to ensure peace and stability in the Middle East. The Council reiterated support for the boycott of Israeli products produced in occupied Palestinian territories. Transform the financial sector to serve the people! The Council resolved to intensify the 2014/5 Red October Campaign’s programme aimed at intensifying the struggle to transform the financial sector to serve the people. Issued by SACP Mpumalanga Enquiries: Bonakele Majuba – Provincial Secretary Mobile: 082 968 4877 Lesetja Dikgale – Provincial Spokesperson Mobile: 076 869 4360 Tinyiko Ntini – Provincial Media Liaison Mobile: 071 171 5984
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 11:12:26 +0000

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