South Caucasus , radicalism and U.S. interests Posted October - TopicsExpress


South Caucasus , radicalism and U.S. interests Posted October 18th, 2013 At the Hudson Institute in Washington hosted a conference on The rise of radical Islam in the South Caucasus - threats and responses . Conference at which I was able to co- chair , organized jointly with the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security , dealing mainly with energy issues . The main conclusion of the conference was the lack of sufficient attention from the U.S. South Caucasus countries and the strengthening of Iranian influence in it. This problem can lead to other , much more dangerous consequences for the region , since , according to experts , Iran is continuing pressure on Azerbaijan , trying to impose their own vision in the region of the modern state : Shia Sharia . Even worse is the situation in the North Caucasus , increasingly drawn into the orbit of radical Salafi and Wahhabi influence coming from the countries of the Persian Gulf and global ummah - Islamic sverhnatsii . Without the support of the U.S. and EU prospects remain unclear Caucasus as Russia alone there can not cope - with no military or economic or socio- political point of view . Of course, secular Baku resist this influence as he can. At the conference, Joshua Walker, a former adviser to U.S. Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry , and now director of global programs of APCO Worldwide, several times cited Azerbaijan - as an example of a state where there are positive trends . However, to downplay the danger of proximity to Iran is not worth it , says Walker. Speaking at the conference , Svante Cornell, research director of the program of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University , in his speech focused on specific examples of threats from Iranian terrorists planned averted Azeri special services . Cornell said that thanks to the cooperation in the field of counter-terrorism activities between Azerbaijan and the United States have been prevented terrorist attacks against American and Israeli interests in Baku. However , it should be understood that the successful cooperation with Baku on this issue , Washington should pay due attention to the development of relations with Azerbaijan . Unfortunately, today, its oil-rich Caspian state , the United States does not cause the same interest, as for example in European countries. This is primarily due to an increase in shale gas and oil in the USA , Mexico and Canada . However , we must not forget that Azerbaijan is not only a potential energy supplier , but also a reliable economic and military and political partner of the U.S. in the region. Today, this country , which is a prime example of a tolerant secular Muslim state , under pressure from two sides . Besides Iran, which has already been mentioned, Baku experiencing pressure from the Kremlin , which has recently adopted neighbor Azerbaijan Armenia in the Customs Union. He did it to prevent the signing of Yerevan Association Agreement with the EU. For Baku , this means that all the forces of Moscow will continue to defer settlement of the Nagorno -Karabakh conflict on the back burner , as the status quo is just satisfied with Yerevan . During the second panel , Domestic and international reaction against the spread of extremism and radicalism in the South Caucasus speakers discussed ways to prevent the spread of extremism and radicalism in the region. According to experts speaking at the American Enterprise Institutes Michael Rubin , now the U.S. must do everything to support the middle class in Azerbaijan , helping his development. It is the middle class should understand what will lose if Islamization and radicalization emanating from Iran, Azerbaijan is concerned . They must understand that they will lose in this case , - said Rubin . According to him , the middle class in Egypt already figured it out , however , the lesson was very painful. Rubin said today the U.S. should pay more attention to the region and will focus on the interaction and cooperation of its allies. Frankly , Iran in the region are much more closely cooperates with its allies , the United States than with their . This must change, - said Rubin . Thats right, the U.S. policy of non-intervention in the affairs of the region and the regions harsh criticism of Azerbaijan opens an era of instability that could result in either chaos or the return of the South Caucasus under the umbrella of the traditional regional powers historically competed there : Russia , Iran and Turkey . America on this only lose . Moreover, according to the vice- president of the American Foreign Policy Council Ilan Berman , not the last role in the spread of instability belongs to Moscow. Russian exports instability , depending on their interests, - Berman said , speaking at the conference. As for relations between Iran and Azerbaijan, in his opinion , much depends on the fact that Iran lives very many ethnic Azerbaijanis. According to Berman , Tehran regards them as a destabilizing factor for many years oppressing ethnic Azeris , and is doing everything to extend the influence of the Islamization of the territory of Azerbaijan . The keynote speaker at the conference, former U.S. Congressman Dan Burton , 30 years old exhaust in Congress and a former leading member or chairman of any and all subcommittees of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the House of Representatives. Now he has been president of the society , the US- Azerbaijan . Burton spoke about the shortcomings of U.S. foreign policy , called counter Iran and deepen ties with proven Americas friends , such as Israel and Azerbaijan . Trying to appease the enemies and gain their friendship , leaving friends to fend for themselves , America will not give the desired security and respect , concluded Burton. This position is valid not only for the South Caucasus , but for the U.S. and global interests in the 21st century . Ariel Cohen, a leading expert of the Heritage for Russian and Eurasian Studies and International Energy Policy .
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 10:32:02 +0000

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