South Dakota Family Law is unbelievable Anonymous: My - TopicsExpress


South Dakota Family Law is unbelievable Anonymous: My boyfriend and I have a one year old daughter together and he also has a 4 year old from a previous relationship... We only get to see his other daughter when her mother needs someone to watch her so she can go to the bars... We have a bunch of brand new clothes a bed of her own and a bunch of toys... When she was 8 months old her mother took her to Texas until she was two years old without telling my boyfriend she was moving until after she was already gone... When she moved back from Texas she was engaged to a man she had met down there and nailed my boyfriend with child support from the time she was born till current... Mind you when she was born her mother refused to let my boyfriend (hers at the time) work because she made more money so he was forced to quit his job and stay at home with her or else she would leave him so for 6 months he did not work and did everything his ex girlfriend demanded of him... When she came back from Texas and filed for child support she was unemployed so the lawyer made it very clear that my boyfriend would be paying a lot more then he would have to if she was employed... Since then she has gotten married ( her husbands income counts as hers ) gained custody of her brother ( gets money from the state for caring for him ) gets money from the state for her mothers death and has started working at the hospital and I know she is getting paid very well there plus the biweekly child support payment... Recently she has separated from her husband and when she did and didnt have anyone to watch her daughter then she let us have her for about 2 months we had the 4 year old more than 50% of the time... Now she has a new boyfriend that she lives with (but she is still married) and her daughter goes to her boyfriends parents house EVERY weekend while they go party... I am a full time nursing student and work part time my boyfriend works full time and we raise our daughter together... We havent seen his other daughter in over six months... My boyfriend calls his ex regularly in attempts to visit his daughter and he has set up visitation at the visitation center and his ex refuses to bring her anywhere so he can see her... Now she changed her cell phone number and my boyfriend has no way of getting in touch with her... We have talked to a lawyer and he said we have a great case because of all the documentation we have kept of it all and he said the amount of child support paid is outrageous... In order to proceed with anything the lawyer needs $500 upfront... It doesnt seem like a lot but we make only enough money to get buy until the next time we get paid... Neither of us spend any money on personal enjoyment... We pay our bills and provide the necessities... We dont have extra money left over to pay a lawyer but something needs to be done and we no longer no where to turn... We spoke with dss about a mediation and they said if the mother isnt the one filling that the father has to pay his and her lawyer fees.. Can you give us ANY advice on what to do! We love and miss her so much and we want more time with her or at least scheduled time! There have been numerous CPS calls made against the mother and we have physical evidence of her neglect... Please please please tells us something we can do!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:06:25 +0000

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