South Sudan is in devil of a mess. The government of South Sudan - TopicsExpress


South Sudan is in devil of a mess. The government of South Sudan went to governance promising to bring forward the delivery of service to people of South Sudan in 2005, citing the population has never had better service before and that was well received. Despite the fact that our politicians were all energetic to serve the nation,The service that our population has been promised by the Government of Juba is not yet deliver. Instead, delivering services to people of South Sudan becomes a frog wedding. Every year Mr Frog plans to wed, hibernating in summer in preparation for his big wedding when it starts raining. The frog composes song and repeatedly sings it to make an announcement to all the other frogs that the big wedding is nearing. The tailless amphibian sings until it has a frog in his throat because of hoarseness. But no world is critic free, even frog’s world. His announcement never escapes criticism. Fellow frogs inject to ask know-question whether he has wealth to marriage, And that is the only time Mr frog pauses to think about the big wedding and …………. Think again and again, that the main function of any government is to provide security, security in its all forms. Protecting citizen lives, their rights, properties and, the mass land holding that population is what a sensible Government should die to defend. What is it that the Government of Juba is defending? There is no single right in South Sudan that has never been violated either by the government or all armed oppositions. To begin with, every human being is entitle to right to life. We as people of South Sudan are 100% indiscriminately entitled to that right. No one, not even in any circumstances is allowed to exterminate another one life for their own benefits. And what we are seeing here and there is a killing for selfish benefits. Kill them because they are not us or kill them because they are others, does not reflect South Sudanese notion of brotherhood. This must be ended, dead and buried or cremated with the reign of President Mayardit and his rivals. Their politics has historically inaugurated the reign of negative political competition in South Sudan and as a result, our politics secured a bad image internationally. It is politically unhygienic to try (un)consciously to implant Palentine-Israel relationship amongst our blest tribes just for who should control the wealth of the nation. We can’t afford to hate each other. Hatred has no place in our society. This is not our way of life, we as people of South Sudan, are far better than that. We must inculcate respect for life in ourselves and the generation that follows because the failures of the South Sudan Churches and the government to instill a sense of moral responsibility has brought our beloved nation to nonentity. We didn’t fight to free ourselves from Arabs in order that we freely kill each other. Education that is promised and not delivered is what the government could or should have wasted its time instead of unhealthy political wrangling that led to lose of innocent lives. This war is simply a denial and violation of child education. The right to education liberates the country from the york of illiteracy. We are not liberated, and we will not be liberated till any government of South Sudan understand what environment is conducive for child education. South Sudan is low down on the list of countries lacking literacy and numeracy, and we must graduate from the bottom up. Right to food security is inextricably linked to right to life because you eat to live. However, this conflict is an insult that sting scare on us (people of south sudan). How long will the world be feeding us in Refugee Camps, and in Displaced Camps in our own land? This is a disgrace that put our country to shame. We don’t deserve this war. Security is what we need to crop our own food. People of south Sudan are hard working folks, they can take care of their own food security if the government can afford to protect them. Our people are dying of starvation in the hands of political elite, but not because we are helpless. Health care system is worse than 100 years ago. And that is why record shows that South Sudan is the worst place on earth to give birth. In truth, getting pregnant in South Sudan in this time of Kiir and Riek is the most dangerous thing you can think of. It is simply not safe. We can’t afford to bite the bullet any more. This situation is enough and we have had enough of wars. The people whose lives have been destroyed, devastated and changed in one way or another don’t want that any more. Question beckon: Is Kiir’s Government a Government of Juba or Government of the people, by the people, for people of South Sudan?
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 17:15:55 +0000

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