South Wales Police, you have proved yourself today for the real - TopicsExpress


South Wales Police, you have proved yourself today for the real people you are. I exposed Police Officers for stealing my son, I got a not guilty on the false charges they had on me at the time. Your Officers failed to produce their so called PPO, in January when they Abducted my Child and Kidnapped my partner. South Wales Police failed to produce the alleged PPO in May 2013 and failed to produce it to our family solicitor. Five months later now and still you have failed to produce the PPO. Taking a child without an order is Child Abduction, Child Abduction is is actually a Form of Child Abuse. Sending around your henchmen today South Wales Police to protect your officers from myself speaking the truth about them is Harassment. Clearly South Wales Police protect people that choose to abuse children. Expect a new website soon dedicated to exposing South Wales Police of their Crimes.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 23:57:48 +0000

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