Sovereign Indigenous peoples of Scotland, we know something is - TopicsExpress


Sovereign Indigenous peoples of Scotland, we know something is very wrong with how our administrators are running our affairs. We have a chance though our own collective will and heritable rights as the free born people of this land, to re-assert our rightful place directly above our public services, parliament, judiciary, all security services including police, armed forces ect. We can invoke grand jury of peoples to set up and investigate the fraud and corruption that besets the very fabric of our society. We need nothing more than a complete reset of our constitutional and freeborn rights, to life, liberty, property and peace. If we united the clans, show a collective will to right the wrongs we have allowed to be done to us we can correctly change our peoples futures for ever. This will in turn show the way for other peoples who are also under the same corporate yolk to free them, starting a mass cascade for the enslaved masses. We will require nothing less than: the rule of law to be instated with the rights of the peoples to try themselves through a properly convened jury of their peers. No more trials by the one sided state system. Our right to use a sovereign debt free currency backed by the value and sweat of our lands and bodies. (See Bradbury Pound) We can write off all toxic fraudulent toxic mortgage debts used to rob from our people and investigate all concerned. The full use of the hemp plant, the most direly needed components to a productive society. Which would cure nearly every known ailment known to man. Setting up a national entitlement system that no longer pays the corporate state but allows us the revenue from our own interactions with it, cutting out the greedy government middleman’s private corporate coffers. Mass public works projects with the direct intention to build free clean energy technologies that have been vastly hidden from mankind. Nationalisation of all sold off assets and resources back under the direct control of the people. Including but not limited to, all police stations, councils, court buildings, government offices, CROWN estates ECT. All lochs and national parks, water supply pipes ECT. We will adopt new technologies that will supply us with abundant free organic foods, grown inside our communities and strengthen the bonds of our peoples. We the peoples will outlaw fracking, as there would be no viable use for it, with the help hemp plant and the oil in the sea around us for fuel until we fully developed these new exotic technologies. Chem trails too will be outlawed, and all planes contaminating our air, water and ground will be intercepted and grounded where we will bring common law charges against any and all perpetrators. We will write a new set up new holistic healing centres to cure and detox ourselves from all that we have been subjected to by this crazy food/pharmacology system when have come to know. Then we can get busy building a nation of peace where we can provide a system of new viable products that help other countries build and supply their own way to peace and freedom separate from the parasitical class. We have enough forensic evidence that outlines the fraud perpetrated on us all in every walk of life and who is complicate. All it takes for us to be truly free and all in complete control of our destiny is declare a unilateral declaration of independence from the 1st of Nov, giving us a full month to collect 2 million signatures and secure our heritable rights to our nation. By the very start of next year the will of the scots, people will be in absolute authority of its destiny. Nothing less will do, our country is sliding head first into agenda 21 and the new world order this is treason and a crime of the highest nature, and to allow a crime to happen is to be party to it, we no longer require the services of a corrupt flawed unlawful system, we have the sovereign right to protect ourselves and our familys rights to our ancestral homes and land. Watch this video and spread this info... youtube/watch?v=dTzr1rqi4GY&feature=youtube_gdata_player We are doing a radio show tonight with Professor George Lees outling the asset stripping and the profiteering of the parasite class that is killing and raping us and our lands. Hope yous can join us. Scotland the Brave not Scotland the Slave. Peace. scotfreeonline/Radio.html Source material... self-realisation/autonomous/public-notice-grand-jury-makes-historic-declarations/ Nom deus youtube/watch?v=dTzr1rqi4GY&feature=youtube_gdata_player The prohibition of cannabis being one of the biggest crimes perpetrated on the peoples. lulu/shop/kenn-and-joanna-doudney/the-report-cannabis-the-facts-human-rights-and-the-law/paperback/product-15375131.html Trial by jury... lulu/shop/kenn-lysander-doudney-spooner/trial-by-jury-its-history-true-purpose-and-modern-relevance/paperback/product-16320916.htm this young fellas bang on the money...
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 19:13:59 +0000

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