Sozo ministry is an inner healing and deliverance ministry focused - TopicsExpress


Sozo ministry is an inner healing and deliverance ministry focused on getting to root issues that can hinder people from walking in freedom and victory. God’s desire is for us to be completely whole. The aim of sozo ministry is to love people and to help them walk in freedom so that they can fulfill the wonderful destiny that God has for them! By replacing lies with God’s truth and closing the “doors” to the enemy, healing of past wounds can occur, and people can be connected to the Godhead in a more intimate way and be able to freely receive His love for them. “Sozo,” which is used 110 times in the New Testament, is a Greek word meaning, “to save, heal, and deliver.” Its meanings include, “to make well, preserve, or make whole.” This word describes everything that Jesus came to bring. The writers of the New Testament showed the completeness of this word “sozo” by using it in different contexts to refer to each aspect of what Jesus brought to us. Here are a few examples of these New Testament verses that describe the three aspects of “sozo”: salvation, healing, and deliverance. Salvation – “That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved (sozo)” (Romans 10:9). “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save (sozo) what was lost” (Luke 19:10). Healing – “But Jesus turning and seeing her said, “Daughter, take courage, your faith has made you well (sozo), and at once the woman was made well (sozo)” (Matthew 9:22). Deliverance – “And those who had seen it reported to them how the man who was demon-possessed had been made well (sozo)” (Luke 8:36). Sozo ministry is for everyone to receive. In life, we all have been hurt or wounded in some way or another. God wants us to be free and fulfilled in every area of our lives! For more information on Sozo ministry at Crosspointe Life Church, or to schedule an appointment, contact Shirley Lewis at sclewis2005@yahoo, or call 619-258-9782.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 03:24:00 +0000

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