Space Cleansing: Ridding Your Home of Negative Energy Sometimes - TopicsExpress


Space Cleansing: Ridding Your Home of Negative Energy Sometimes a house or office can feel uncomfortable, and there’s no real reason you can put your finger on to explain your uneasy feeling. Other times, it’s easy: someone has been there that was negative, ill or died. Homes and spaces often take on the energy of the previous occupants as well. There may be instances when you moved into a space and just felt like someone else was there, or the space just didn’t feel right – it’s because of lingering negative energy. If this sounds familiar, just remember you are not alone. Many people feel uncomfortable in spaces and can’t explain why. The “why” is not important, however; what is important is that you find a way to make your space feel more comfortable so you can feel more at ease. A first step would be to perform a space cleansing. Unlike “space clearing,” space cleansing doesn’t rely on getting rid of clutter. However, if you have a bunch of old items and junk from previous residents or others, it is possible that some of the energy is coming from these old items. If that’s the case, then you should definitely take some of these things to the trash. What’s more, if you have had a spate of bad luck and find that life has just been a constant struggle, it’s possible that you have some negative energies hanging around that are making your house yin – or negative in energy. This is another good instance when it might be a good idea to do a space cleansing. Space cleansing will help you feel more comfortable in your home or office, and let you move on in your space comfortably and in a positive state of mind. Space CleansingWhy bother? Because negative energy gathers and compounds to create MORE negative energy. That’s why it’s important to handle negative energy by ridding your home of negative energy when you feel like your space isn’t quite right. To ignore it is to allow more negative energy to build, and this can impact your health, your career and your finances, and even cause depression. Regardless of why you feel the way you do, if your space doesn’t feel quite right, here are some space cleansing tips to help you clear out the negative energy in your house and invite good energy back inside! STEP 1. Clear stale energies from the house. If you have recently moved, you might be feeling some residual energy from past residents. If that’s the case, then consider using this technique: open everything that is closed. In short, you should open all doors, all windows, all cabinets, all boxes, anything that is closed should be open. Then, walking from the front door in a clockwise pattern, circle each room and go into the next while ringing a bell. Be sure to ring the bell in the corners of rooms and in closets where negative energy can remain trapped. You may want to proceed through the other five steps before closing everything up again. STEP 2. Use salt to cleanse an area. Another tip is to use salt to remove negative energies. You can wipe the walls with salt or sprinkle salt into the corners of the room. Be sure to sweep up the salt and throw it into the trash outside of your house. STEP 3. Feed your ghosts rice. If you feel extreme negative energy, you can also try sprinkling rice around the perimeter of your home, beginning at the front door and walking in a clockwise fashion until you come to the door again. The rice will draw the energy outside and away from the interior of your home. This is a terrific method of ridding your home of negative energy and space cleansing. Cleansing Negative Energies STEP 4. Scent the air to clear out negative energies. Use smoke from incense or from herbs, such as lavender for transcending problems, eucalyptus for healing, or mint for prosperity.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 17:58:22 +0000

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