Spades, Cafes and Angels 185 Lothian Road People don’t like - TopicsExpress


Spades, Cafes and Angels 185 Lothian Road People don’t like Mondays, apparently. They even play this song on Mondays on the radio, you know the one. In fact Monday is the day people like to kill themselves, and others, which is what that song is about, and they play it every Monday, as if Monday’s were not bad enough. In fact the hatred of Mondays is so pervasive it has a word, “Lunaediesophobia”, and you’ll notice it has the word “die” slap bang in the middle of it. Which is appropriate. But I love Mondays. In fact, as early as Sunday evening, I start getting ready for bed, so that I can be up bright and early for Monday, because, dear reader, I have the cure for this disting.. This gloomy Monday thing. So, at 7am in the Morning, while the town erupts in traffic, and DJ’s speak in hushed tones about Friday, and that song starts playing, I slip into a little piece of the Garden of Eden, which I have discovered, is not somewhere in the Holy Land, but rather, in Lothian Road. Struth. I hear you scoffing right now, but I don’t care, because it’s Wednesday lunchtime, and I’m back here, in the silence, surrounded by bric n brac, herbs, a parrot, hanging plants, and the sound of flowing water. I could be anywhere in the world right now, on an island somewhere, and without a single care. Such is the magic of this place, because I’m 10 minutes from work, and it’s silent, and quiet here, and I suspect that when the end of the world comes, if you’re here, you’ll miss the whole thing. I feel safe here, content here, like a pig in the middle of Jerusalem. And, there is an Angel here too. Seriously. Dee. I suppose, a few weeks ago, when I hated Mondays, and did not believe in magic gardens, and angels, I would have thought Angels were not called Dee, but now it seems that all Angels, must be called Dee. I can see her right now out the corner of me eye, she’s smiling, and listening to somebody order their food, with that look that makes you think you’re the only customer that matters. She looks at every one like that. She takes care of everyone like that. Nothing is too big or too small. Every detail is treated with utmost care, and she sweeps off to go and prepare your breakfast, as if it was the last breakfast you were ever going to have, and the most important thing she ever did. And when she re appears with your meal, she is beaming, as she puts your plate down, a glint in her eye and a smile. She wants it to be perfect for you. Not even the Queen of England gets service like this. Which brings me to the food. I have been 8 times in the past 10 days, and I have always had the bacon and cheese omelette. Nobody makes them like this. She takes 3 jumbo eggs, beats with milk, adds chopped parsley and stands. Then she puts butter in a pan and when it starts to sizzle, she pours in the egg. She waits for the first bubble. Then she puts piles of cheese, in just the right place, so it just oozes out, and then she piles grilled bacon on top, and folds. Piles of bacon, on lots of cheese. Then…she tilts the pan at just the right angle so that the egg runs out to cook properly, whilst the cooked part just keeps warm, and the edge of the cheese gets all sticky. The result is spectacular. I mean to try the other food, but I wake up thinking about that omelette. I also know a little trick about food, it’s all in the detail, and the quality of ingredients, and the passion and the love. If a person puts this much love into an omelette, you can be sure everything else is wonderful. But back to the Monday thing, which brings me to my only complaint: They are not open on Sundays. I guess Angels have to go to church.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 13:02:32 +0000

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