Spanish fishermen better informed than HM Opposition The GSD - TopicsExpress


Spanish fishermen better informed than HM Opposition The GSD Opposition notes the reports in the Spanish Press that Spanish Fishermen have rejected proposals from the Gibraltar Government in respect of the regulation of fishing in BGTW. It is not the first time that reports have appeared in the Spanish Press of proposals having been put to Spanish Fishermen. Indeed, people may recall that on 30 April 2014, following comments made, Leoncio Fernandez, the former head of the Fishermens Guild of La Linea, the Government of Gibraltar told the media here that no agreement had been reached and what Mr Fernandez had seen was a discussion paper, which had been put to Spanish Fishermen and other relevant stakeholders. The Opposition wishes to emphasise that it has not been provided with a copy of that discussion paper. Indeed, Mr Picardo has consistently refused to answer questions in Parliament about the Governments plans, despite the fact that it is obvious that they have been the subject of detailed discussion with Spanish Fishermen, either directly by the Government or through intermediaries. It really makes a mockery of Parliament, and Mr. Picardos “New Dawn” boast at the last election. Yet further, there is an important difference in explaining your plans to Spanish Fishermen, which we would support, and getting yourself in such a mess that you need your legislation to be endorsed by anyone across the border. We hope its the former not the latter, but because Mr. Picardo refuses all scrutiny in Parliament on this issue, we cannot be sure. Leader of the Opposition, Daniel Feetham said: “The time has come, over two years after the Government tore up the 1999 Agreement without having anything to take its place, for the Government to bite the bullet and finally introduce legislation for regulated fishing in BGTW. The key, however, is to ensure that when legislation is introduced, it is properly enforced. If the law is going to be relaxed to allow regulated fishing with nets then breaches need to be enforced, otherwise it makes a mockery of the rule of law, which is what is happening at the moment. Like ·
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 17:20:27 +0000

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