Spark of Divine March 16th 2014 One extra note here first... - TopicsExpress


Spark of Divine March 16th 2014 One extra note here first... The news is full of this missing airliner, and theories of what might have happened. One thing that Ive been happy to see is how so many countries are working together (for the most part) without a thought to international rivalries. Its nice to see and a shame that it takes something like this to get us to cooperate for the greater good. Id also like to point out that while so many people seem to enjoy tossing around conspiracy theories, there are families out there, with access to social media who are missing their loved ones. Bread and Circuses, folks. There are real people affected by this. Be kind. Show restraint and respect. And now, on with the show.... Please forgive me. This is a repost from last year. Nothing wrong or preventing me from writing except for a very stubborn case of writers block. In any case, I think that most of you will not have seen this. Those who have, please forgive me. And of course its a message that bears repeating... Its easy to think that in our busy lives of working sometimes two jobs or running errands all day that the little acts of kindness that we spare for others cant mean much. In a time when our lives are sometimes measured and chronicled in tweets and status updates, and friends lists longer than the list of names in our graduating class, that a kind word here and there doesnt mean much. One might ask, how important can one comment here or there be? The fact is, no act of kindness, no matter how small or seemingly trivial is ever wasted. In and of themselves, they may not make a dramatic difference in someones life (although sometimes that is exactly what happens), but not only can they combine with similar seemingly trivial acts of kindness to brighten someones day or perhaps help to heal an aching heart, but they can also help to inspire someone to do the same. Movies and even television commercials demonstrate this principal of random acts of kindness, or paying it forward very well. The good deed that you do out of an instinctive sense of decency can spread through everyone who witnesses it. Also consider that even the most casual expression of sympathy or support might be the very thing (and maybe the only thing) that gives comfort to someone who is struggling in life. Smiling and saying hello to a stranger could easily help to make someone feel less alone or unloved. And if that is no more than a respite from sadness, it is still a gift that youve given a stranger, and giving such a gift helps to make the world a better place. The spark of divine that we all have gives us the power to change lives. Our acts and words not only help us (who doesnt feel a little better having done something for someone else?), but they can touch others in ways that we cannot anticipate at the time. They are blessings, and should be recognized as such, and they are valuable, but we have an endless quantity to give out. Be generous.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 21:26:24 +0000

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