Speak it out: Allow your heart to seek the good things in this - TopicsExpress


Speak it out: Allow your heart to seek the good things in this life and trust that, even the blunders can be turned into blessings. Submit all things to God in prayer, knowing that He hears and is responding. Regardless of the situation, you will witness Him skillfully weaving each experience into something beautiful and good. Dare to trust and place you faith in Him. When you feel as if you are backed against a wall, have the courage to trust in His strength. When you feel confused and alone, dont be afraid to hope for better days, placing complete confidence in God, rather than your circumstance. Let go of the mindset, that the situations have to be handled your way and allow God to order your steps, and then walk in them. Know in your heart that He loves you and longs to gather you in His arms. His ways are perfect and flawless. He will be your defender and you will always find a safe haven in Him. Prayer: I place my faith in You today Lord, asking that You direct each step I take. Give me the wisdom, strength, and faith to hope for great things. I trust that as I submit all things to You, You will take each experience and create good things from them. Turn the blunders into blessings in my life, and open my eyes to the possibilities. I give You all the praise, honor and glory. Read: Isaiah 48:17 - I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:42:08 +0000

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