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Speak your opinion error in the encyclopedia Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing Services 37    bges Advanced Search Ethical Encyclopedia »introductions in Islamic ethics The importance of ethics First, good morals comply with the order of Allah and His Messenger Combined texts from the Book of Allah Almighty on the matter Baltkhalq good moral character, and provided a lot of them, it is this verse: Allah enjoins justice and kindness, and kinsfolk, and forbids indecency and evil and oppression [Nahl: 90]. And says: Take the amnesty and ordered the convention and introduce the ignorant [custom: 199]. And says: O ye who believe that the news come to you punk Vtbinwa that Tsibwa folk in ignorance of what you did repentant [closets: 6]. As well as discouraged about Bad behavior, including: Says: O you who believe, do not make fun of some of the people hoping to be good for them and women from women may be that not good for them nor Telmzoa yourselves nor Tnabzoa name-calling evil immorality after faith and does not repent, they are the wrong-doers, O ye who believe! Avoid much of conjecture that some conjecture sin or not Igtb spied one another does you eat the flesh of his dead brother, and fear of God that God is merciful Oft [closets: 11-12]. As the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him comply God is in every word and deed would, and they are considered all good manners mentioned it in the Koran, and ends all bad manners is forbidden by the Koran; so it was created by the Koran. And also the commitment to ethical norms comply with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: he is ordering them and exhorts them, narrated that Abu Dhar may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: ((Fear Allah wherever you are, and follow up a bad good Tmhaa, and creator well towards people)) . Second: One of the elements of good morals Muslim character P (the human body and spirit, visible and soles, and Islamic ethics represent the human image of Internal Medicine, which is the heart, and this image Batinah is the strength of the Muslim human figure, man is not measured by its length and width, or color and beauty, or a paragraph and riches, but the moral and its mouthpiece of this morality Almighty says: O people, I created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God [closets: 13], and says peace be upon him: ((God does not look at your body, not to appearances, but look at your hearts and your deeds))  say God bless him also: ((to Anthen folks are proud of their parents who have died but are coal hell, or There will be among the lesser of the God of scarab  which Adhdh  shit nose, God go you Abyei  ignorance and proud parents, but it is devout believer, and licentious naughty, people sons of Adam, and Adam was created from dust))  . Third: the close link between ethics and Islamic religion theology and law The ethics link faith very closely, so often connects God Almighty between faith and good deeds, which is good morals A pillars, Valaqidh without creating, tree does not light nor fruit, but about ethics link Sharia, the law, including acts of worship, including transactions and worship yielded good morals and must, if the Muslim filed to the fullest, so he says: And keep up prayer and forbids indecency and evil [Spider: 45], and the relevance of morality transactions, the entire transaction is based on good ethics in the sayings of the Muslim and deeds and the meditator to the teachings of Islam sees this clear and obvious. Fourth: implications for the individual and society behavior (The importance of Islamic moral because of its impact on the individuals behavior, and the behavior of the community. The impact on the individuals behavior and when you plant in the same owner of compassion, honesty, justice, honesty, modesty, chastity, cooperation and solidarity, sincerity, humility .. and other values and ethics Commissioner, Ethics for the individual is the basis of the farmer and the success, the Almighty says: has returned from Zakaha was disappointed Dsaha [Sun: 9-10], and the Almighty says: Successful indeed from is commended said Rabbo name prayed [Top: 14-15], and sponsorship in its significance and meaning: mean: self-control outward and visible, in moves and housing . The impact on the behavior of the whole society, morality is the basis for the construction of an Islamic human societies or non-Muslim, so decide verse: If Nasrallah came, open, and I saw people entering the religion of Allah in crowds rosary praise of your Lord and ask His forgiveness that he was returning, Most [Age: 1-3] . Righteous deeds Compatible Baltoasi right, and advise others with patience in the face of temptations and challenges that will build a society immune to not impair him debased factors, not afflicted nations and civilizations lie in the weakness of the physical capabilities or scientific achievements, but in the moral worth dominated and show them) . Fifth: morals social necessity (If any society of human societies can not its members to live sympathetic collaborators happy unless bind them strong ties of morality stones. If we assume that the probability of a community based on the exchange of material benefits only, not to be a higher purpose behind it; it has to be for the safety of this community of congenital trust, honesty less Recognitions. Vmcarm ethics social necessity, indispensable for a community, and when it lost its morality which is the mediator who imperative for the harmony of human with his fellow man, the disintegration of the members of the community, and wrestled, and Tnahpoa interests, then led them to collapse, and then to the mass. It is possible to imagine a community of communities, where there is a lack morals How is this community? How to be a confidence in science, knowledge, news, and to ensure the rights of virtue and honesty? How to be a co-existence among the people in the security and stability, and how to be cooperation between them at work within a common environment, not for virtue Secretariat? How to be a nation that is able to create an ideal civilization not for the virtues of brotherhood, cooperation and love, and altruism? How the group would be eligible to build great glory of virtue and courage in response aggression and injustice, unjust aggressors, but not the virtues of justice and compassion, charity and pay them is the best? How to be human eligible to upgrade the mattresses humanitarian perfect if selfishness controlling it, baffle him all tender and sacrifice and altruism? Humanitarian Altejrebat, has shown, and historical events that elevate the moral forces of the nations and peoples of lieutenant for upgrading the ladder morality, and proportionate with him, and that the collapse of the moral power of the mother and Peoples lieutenant of the collapse of morals, and proportionate with him, between the moral power and ethics direct proportion always, ascending and Habtin. This is because morality in Nations individuals and peoples represent fixed Almaaked held by social ties, and when there is a lack of these Almaaked or broken in individuals not find social ties place held him, and when I lost social ties have become millionaires in the dissolved from each nation with strong individuals only, not strong group, but perhaps the powers scattered where anything wrong with them, plus the strength of the enemy. If the ethics Nations personnel represent Maaked interdependence among them, the Islamic social systems represent ligaments that pulls Almaaked to Almaaked, so the human mass cohesive and strong, not moral nor Tstkhve) . Sixth: The importance of ethics in the call to God Almighty (Who thinks that people walk in religion only; they are convinced mentally only, do not doubt that he was wrong ... and a lot of people walk in religion; because they see that the people of this religion to create, and preachers to God they have morals, and the evidence in this section many ... Valastqama ethics have a significant impact, and usefulness eloquent, as evidenced, which came in the Prophets biography of the morality of the Prophet peace be upon him was the idolaters admired before the mission, even witnessed his truthfulness and honesty. Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him: ((When this verse was revealed: And warn your tribe of kin [poets: 214] The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: Do you see if I told you that the horses out the foot of this mountain, Okintm Msedki? They said: tried what you falsely . He said: I am a warner to you in the hands of a severe torment)) . Reflection wonderful pictures behavioral began in influence in the spread of the religion in some areas that did not arrive conquest; it entered in this true religion entire peoples, when they saw a good example Mrtzmh created benign in people good Muslims, have exercised their behavior rational, were bearer lamp illuminates the way for himself Bmbbaha, the other sees the light and see him, and not the prettiest of it in the heart of darkness, and therefore demand quickly without defended only by example, FRP one recipe, which ordered by religion alive translated by the favor of Muslims have the effect can not be compared with the results of direct preaching; Because souls have alienated from the words that you think that the spokesman for his interest, and the best of those qualities stick to good morals, which is the first thing seen from a Muslim man, and which ruled him or him ...) . Seventh: the importance of ethics in giving happiness to individuals and communities There is no doubt that happiness is all the happiness in the faith in God and good deeds, and to the extent compliance Muslim to the teachings of Islam in his behavior and morals are delighted, P (commitment to the rules of Islamic morality sponsor a greater proportion of ... happiness of the human person, and for the humanitarian community, and partners in life for the rest of achievement on this earth and it is very ingenious manner; where success ratios feasible between the needs and demands of the individual on the one hand, and the needs and demands of the group on the other hand, is where to give everyone his right, or a portion of the right according to a fair proportion necessitated distribution year fraught with truth and justice. It is clear in this element that the foundations of Islamic morality in order to not neglect the happiness of the individual who practiced the virtues of morality and bypass Rmailha, was neglected in order to HE group that deals with each other away from the virtues of morality Rmailha. The splendor of ethics that guided by Islam, which is apparent that it contains, it is strange to reconcile the different demands of the individual on the one hand, and the group on the other hand, show the Parties in their units partial happiness in this life conditions, to the extent permitted by Sunan fixed permanent universe, which includes all workers, believers in God or unbelievers, faithful his intention or not saved) . >>
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 14:08:57 +0000

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