Speaker John Boehners plan to sue President Obama for not - TopicsExpress


Speaker John Boehners plan to sue President Obama for not faithfully executing the law is not without precedent. States sue the federal government all the time. Agencies sue other agencies for compliance reasons. But thats not a good reason to go to court. If Republicans truly believe POTUS isnt upholding his Constitutional responsibilities, they have a process for it. Its called impeachment, in which the president can be censured or removed from office. So if the GOP has a case, present it in the forum that is most available to it -- the House of Representatives. What will the outcome be: Probably nothing. The most extreme outcome: President Biden. Theatrics are meaningless. Find common ground and compromise. Both sides have to give on immigration, entitlement programs, military spending and foreign policy. Tip ONeil and Ronald Reagan are spinning in their graves over the lack of decorum between the branches of government and political parties. Its time for it to end.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 13:47:25 +0000

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