Speaker accuses Fayose of sealing-off his office The political - TopicsExpress


Speaker accuses Fayose of sealing-off his office The political crisis in Ekiti State deepened on Tuesday as Governor Ayodele Fayose allegedly ordered the sealing off of the office of the Speaker of Ekiti State House of Assembly, Dr Adewale Omirin. This followed the action of seven Peoples Democratic Party members and three unknown persons, who sat in the Assembly on Monday, and appointed Mr. Dele Olugbemi as Protem Speaker. But Fayose last night described the allegation as another falsehood from the Speaker. A statement by the Speaker’s Special Adviser on Media, Mr. Wole Olujobi, said the governor had earlier employed threats and coercion, including freezing the accounts of the Assembly and cutting off electricity supply to the Speaker’s lodge. Olujobi added that Fayose had stopped statutory votes for the Speaker’s upkeep and protocol in his bid to take firm control of the House. He added that the Speaker’s vehicles had been demobilised because their keys had been taken to the office of the governor. A source at the Assembly told The PUNCH last night that all public servants working in the Speaker’s office had also been asked to report at the Ministry of Establishment, while the chassis number of his official cars had been taken on the order of the Governor. “This is a worrying development because the public servants working in the Speaker’s office are staff of the Ekiti House of Assembly Commission and not the ministry. “Why would they be asked to report at the Ministry of Establishment?” the source said. But the Governor’s Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Idowu Adelusi, has described the allegation as false. In a statement in Ado-Ekiti, Adelusi said, “It is another falsehood coming from a confused Speaker. We all know that the governor could not have ordered that the speaker’s office be sealed-off because the existence of Adewale Omirin is insignificant to us and to the people of Ekiti State having lost the honour.”
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 20:27:10 +0000

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