Speaking at a press conference Wednesday afternoon,acting - TopicsExpress


Speaking at a press conference Wednesday afternoon,acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said Malaysia was continuing to co-ordinate the search for the missing Boeing 777-200ER. He added:I can confirm that we have received some radar data, but we are not at liberty to release information from other countries. I appeal to all our partners to continue volunteering any and all information that could help with the investigation and the search for MH370. Meanwhile, distraught family members of the missing passengers were removed from the press conference. Moments before officials spoke to the media, half a dozen furious relatives stormed the conference - blaming theMalaysian government of failing to work hard enough to find the plane. The group had banners - most which which blamed the government of inaction - as airline officials desperately tried to resume order. In dramatic scenes, one woman shouted:You are traitors to us... you have let us down. Tell us the truth! We want the truth! Hishammuddin Husseinsaid he fully understands the frustration of the relatives of the missing passengers and said a high-level delegation was being sent to Beijing to speak to the families. He later ordered an inquiry into the incident where security guards carried out the distraught mother of one of the passengers. The families of the two pilots are also struggling to cope. It is very agonizing for the family, and the media is not helping at all, said Mohammed Ghouse, a longtime friend of [pilot] Zaharie [Ahmad Shah]s brother-in-law, according to The Washington Post. The daughter especially is very upset. She was very close to her father.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:30:06 +0000

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