Speaking the truth today is very unpopular. Just so you know, I am - TopicsExpress


Speaking the truth today is very unpopular. Just so you know, I am so not interested in being popular. I am more interested in being right with God and rightfully dividing His word. I like what one black preacher said, I dont care if you never like me. I gonna preach the truth! Jesus said, You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. He also said that true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Its not about how loud we sing or shout in church, or how high our hands are lifted up during worship, or how high we jump and down...its about how straight we walk according to Gods word when we get out of church that makes us a true Believer and a true worshipper. The main reason so many people who attend church remain enslaved in sin, is because our pastors today are not willing to tell the whole truth from their pulpits. They have become politicians; putting a spin on the truth! After all, telling the whole truth will empty out their church. It happened to Pastor NOAH in the Old Testament... And Jesus said So as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man. By todays modern church standards Noah was a VERY UNSUCCESSFUL PASTOR/PREACHER. He preached for 125+ years and experienced no church growth because he was just way to judgmental and condemning; way too much hate speech! He was unwilling to change Gods message to the world in order to bring them in. Their attitude was, get real Noah, Gods gonna send a flood and destroy all of us and save only you in that stupid ark! Noah, it doesnt even rain here where you built this ark! You self-righteous, legalistic, fanatical fool; get with the times. You need to be more relational and missional and seeker friendly. Tell em, stay as you are, God wants to love on you. Friends, Noah never changed Gods message. Noah was extremely unpopular with man, however popular with God. Noah and his family were saved; and the crowd was destroyed in the flood! Question...who are we to change Gods message to the world? Who are we to put a spin on Gods Word in order to help God out! Finally, if you attend a church that doesnt warn people of the soon coming of the Lord...RUN OUT OF THAT CHURCH, and find a church that is telling the whole truth; even if it makes you feel uncomfortable. As a pastor, I would rather tell the whole truth down here, and have you high-five me in Heaven; Than to lie to you down here and meet you in hell someday for eternity. It will be worth it all when we see Christ very soon!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 18:16:22 +0000

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